Monday, October 30, 2006
The Doctor's Visit
I took Sage today to his first doctor's appointment. He is very healthy, so said the doc. His weight is 14 lbs 13 oz, length is 24 inches, head circumference is 16 inches. He cried his little eyes out at the needles, poor thing.
Sunday, October 29, 2006
While we were in Toronto, I discovered that Sage likes to lie on the floor and look at stuff. Sometimes he would be crying and inconsolable in arms, and when I would put him down about to change his bum, he would almost instantly be content. Fortunately for him, I happen to have just the thing for his amusment. When I set it up, Hayden was amused by it, and then later the kitten was amused by it as well. A very versatile toy indeed.
In this picture you can see his new move about to happen. He rolls onto his side by lifting his little leggies up into the air. Great for him, motor-skills-wise, scary for me who can no longer let him lie on the bed with absolute security. I do NOT want a repeat of Hayden's babyhood mishap when he squirmed off the bed and broke his arm when he was 7 months old.

And then in THIS picture, I think I can finally see myself in his features! FINALLY!
In this picture you can see his new move about to happen. He rolls onto his side by lifting his little leggies up into the air. Great for him, motor-skills-wise, scary for me who can no longer let him lie on the bed with absolute security. I do NOT want a repeat of Hayden's babyhood mishap when he squirmed off the bed and broke his arm when he was 7 months old.

And then in THIS picture, I think I can finally see myself in his features! FINALLY!

Friday, October 27, 2006
Better Pictures
Ultrasound Results
CONGRATULATIONS to Carol and BJ who learned at their ultrasound yesterday that they are expecting TWIN GIRLS!!! Still recovering from the shock of it, Carol and BJ are extremely happy, as is the rest of the family. I am getting goosebumps just typing about it! Her due date is March 20th, but with second pregnancy and now two expected, in my uneducated opinion I would guess she will go earlier than that. Her desire for another home birth is kinda out of the question also. Oh well! Twins!! TWINS!! TWINS!!!
Toronto trip pictures
After we got to North Bay, Sage said hello to Anya.
At Sheena's house, Sage wears his onesie tribute to Jake's favourite wrestling group, DX. I made this freehand with fabric paint. Jake, Hayden and I have silk-screen versions of the same logo that are bigger. Obviously, Sage's little onesie was too small for the print.

Sheena (that's Carol's mother in law) holding Anya and Sage.
Apparently when you say "smile for the camera" this is the face Anya makes.
Anya and Thea playing together with vintage fisher price toys.

Aww blue eyed Thea - priceless.
Sage on the Vandewater's living room rug.
Yellowknifers in town! Vanessa and little Rachel show off their baby bjorn.
All four kiddlets together and not crying!

Oop there they're starting to cry.

Vanessa with Rachel, Sarah with Thea.
Carol and Anya take a self-portrait.
Anya tries her hand at photography.

Carol claims the camera back from Anya...

Cutie little Thea and Sarah again.
Anya takes her own self-portrait.
Left to right: John Theodore, Carla Vandewater, their mom Florinda Theodore and what family photo would be complete without little Sage in it? He likes to muscle his way into other family photos also :o)
The four firm friends all together for the first time in a year.
The four firm friends make funny faces for the camera.
Vanessa is taking a picture of....
..these cute little posing beauties. Note the inspirational Rachel sitting in Thea's bumbo (the seed gets planted in my brain to get one for Sage).
The gorgeous view of the Vandewater's back yard. Awesome colours not done justice here.
Anya gets a story read to her by Tina.

This is Anya's neighbour and friend Emerald, just two weeks older than she. They're playing with Static Electricity.

Sheena (that's Carol's mother in law) holding Anya and Sage.

Vanessa nurses Rachel.

Cutie little Thea and Sarah again.

This is Anya's neighbour and friend Emerald, just two weeks older than she. They're playing with Static Electricity.

Anya's gymnastics class. Anya is on the ballance beam wearing a dark pink top and turquoise shorts. Sorry bout the quality of these photos.

The class ran up and down this yellow runway several times. Anya's making a breakaway here. The rest of them were running backwards but Anya couldn't hold back her exhuberance (sp?) and forged ahead of the pack.

Blurry pink and turquoise blob practicing a summer sault on a big bouncy ball while mommy helps her get used to the idea.
Aaaaaand we're back
So to quickly finish up the story of our trip, Tuesday night we went to Vaughan Mills Mall and met Carol's friend Tina there. We only shopped at Children's Place, and I got two orange t-shirts for Hayden and Sage which were only $2.50 each, and some camouflage splash pants for Hayden that make him look like a cool skater boy. I looked for some pants that were in Sage's size, but they didn't have any that small. I only spent $15 in that store! I couldn't believe I got out without dropping more, but maybe it had to do with the fact we only had 30 minutes to shop before the store closed. We went back to Tina's house (she squashed herself between the two car seats in Carol's tiny Echo) and had some hot chocolate. I added a mint teabag to mine - Thanks Katie for that idea last winter! Then Wednesday we got ready and met Carol's other friend Gail downtown at the mexican restaurant that Carol's been craving for 4 years. It was neat to eat authentic mexican stuff rather than Taco Bell knockoff food. We left downtown Toronto at 2pm and got to Barrie at about 3:30pm. We shopped at Toys R Us and with some gift money I'd gotten from Vanessa and Sarah, I bought Sage a blue Bumbo chair, a green plush flower, and some rings to dangle things above him. I fed Sage in the family room, and we changed both kids twice due to poop blow outs, then we stopped for some food for ourselves, fed Sage again, and were off like a herd of turtles by 6:30pm. Yes, that was a three-hour lay over in Barrie. I drove from Huntsville after an hour's break to feed Anya and go pee ourselves and we ended up getting back to Carol's house by 10pm or so. Quite the ordeal travelling with two babies. Carol's and my last nerves were in need of a good long rest. I slept on their couch with Sage in the pod again, and unfortunately he did not sleep through the night again. He had done so again the second night in toronto. He woke three times. Drat. Then yesterday morning I went with Carol to Anya's gymnastics class, and it was so cute to see all the little kids doing their thing. I was in the observation deck, and got some mediocre pictures, but I'll post them anyway even tho they're blurry because they're through glass and far away. I called Jake and begged him to come pick me up because I was very tired of feeling encumbered with luggage and couldn't face the bus ride home. He obliged me to my everlasting gratitude. Carol left about 1:30pm to go pick up BJ to go to their first ultrasound and I put Anya down for a nap. Jake arrived at about 3:30pm, but we didn't stay long after Carol and BJ came home around an hour later. We got home around 7:30pm and MAN it's good to be back. I'd missed Hayden especially.
Pictures will be up soon.
Pictures will be up soon.
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Almost Back
Hey Hussicot fans, I'm almost home! The trip was great and it was fabulous to see the Vandekids again. Almost a whole year between visits is too long! I have some great pictures to share but I'm still in North Bay right now so I can't upload them. I will be doing that in the next day or two.
Monday morning went smoothly, we left our house ON TIME (a feat rarely enjoyed) and I got to the bus depot with plenty of time to spare. Unfortunately the bus was already pretty full but a kind old lady moved so I could have a seat to myself with the baby. Lucky for me (and all the other passengers) Sage slept the whole way to North Bay. Time craweled for me tho. I kept checking the clock above the driver's head and I swear sometimes it moved backwards. We pulled into the NB bus depot at 11:30am and I saw Carol and Anya drive in right on time. We went back to their house and fed Sage, had some lunch ourselves, puttered around, loaded the car, fed Sage again, and finally took off at about 3:30pm. At Gravenhurst Carol let me drive (!standard car = zoiks!!) and I did not too shabbily. Only stalled the car a couple times and hardly any jack-rabbiting. When we reached Toronto and Hwy 7 with lots of stop lights, I asked Carol to switch back however, since my standard driving skills are still pretty .. um.. what's the word for it.... sucky. We ended up at Sheena's house around 8:30pm. Sage had just started to be screaming hungry and Anya wasn't happy either so it was good we didn't have any further to go. We set up beds and got stuff settled and had a bite to eat and finally retired to sleep around 10:30pm. I breastfed Sage before putting him down. I had discovered that my boobs had leaked in the car, hooray for lots of milk! So he ended up with a very good feeding and.... he.... SLEPT.. THROUGH.. THE NIGHT!!!! I couldn't believe it when he woke me up at 6:30am. I thought the clock must be broken. He was in Carol and BJ's pod, which is like a portable bassinet, and I asked them later if we could borrow it for home, because right now Sage is sleeping in bed with us, and I want to get him in the crib, but after a feeding he most of the time wants to be bounced back to sleep. The pod can go right beside the bed, and it's springy so I can lie down and just reach down to him and bounce it. If he goes in the crib I have to get up and stand there, which would be ok maybe once a night, but not twice or even three times like he is demanding now. Anyway they're graciously lending us the pod. Yay!
Tuesday was awesome. We went to visit the Vandekids and their Vandebabies and had an awesome time. They had prepared easy-to-eat-one-handed yummy munchables, since we quickly realized that we all had to have babies on (or IN in Carol's case) our laps. Luckily Sage fell asleep so I could put him down and then spelled off Vanessa so she could finish eating, and Thea and Anya kept themselves busy playing with each other for a bit. It was great to catch up and visit with no pressure. I made Cookie Monster shirts for the four of them with Jake's silk-screen printing set, and we put them all in 'em and lined them up on the couch. We even got a couple pictures of them before anyone started crying! Like I said, pictures to follow. Then Carla (Vanessa and Sarah's mom) and Florinda (their grandmother) and John (their out-of-town uncle) came by and we had a chance to visit with them as well.
I'll have to pause here as Sage is waking up and needs to be fed and changed. More later!
Monday morning went smoothly, we left our house ON TIME (a feat rarely enjoyed) and I got to the bus depot with plenty of time to spare. Unfortunately the bus was already pretty full but a kind old lady moved so I could have a seat to myself with the baby. Lucky for me (and all the other passengers) Sage slept the whole way to North Bay. Time craweled for me tho. I kept checking the clock above the driver's head and I swear sometimes it moved backwards. We pulled into the NB bus depot at 11:30am and I saw Carol and Anya drive in right on time. We went back to their house and fed Sage, had some lunch ourselves, puttered around, loaded the car, fed Sage again, and finally took off at about 3:30pm. At Gravenhurst Carol let me drive (!standard car = zoiks!!) and I did not too shabbily. Only stalled the car a couple times and hardly any jack-rabbiting. When we reached Toronto and Hwy 7 with lots of stop lights, I asked Carol to switch back however, since my standard driving skills are still pretty .. um.. what's the word for it.... sucky. We ended up at Sheena's house around 8:30pm. Sage had just started to be screaming hungry and Anya wasn't happy either so it was good we didn't have any further to go. We set up beds and got stuff settled and had a bite to eat and finally retired to sleep around 10:30pm. I breastfed Sage before putting him down. I had discovered that my boobs had leaked in the car, hooray for lots of milk! So he ended up with a very good feeding and.... he.... SLEPT.. THROUGH.. THE NIGHT!!!! I couldn't believe it when he woke me up at 6:30am. I thought the clock must be broken. He was in Carol and BJ's pod, which is like a portable bassinet, and I asked them later if we could borrow it for home, because right now Sage is sleeping in bed with us, and I want to get him in the crib, but after a feeding he most of the time wants to be bounced back to sleep. The pod can go right beside the bed, and it's springy so I can lie down and just reach down to him and bounce it. If he goes in the crib I have to get up and stand there, which would be ok maybe once a night, but not twice or even three times like he is demanding now. Anyway they're graciously lending us the pod. Yay!
Tuesday was awesome. We went to visit the Vandekids and their Vandebabies and had an awesome time. They had prepared easy-to-eat-one-handed yummy munchables, since we quickly realized that we all had to have babies on (or IN in Carol's case) our laps. Luckily Sage fell asleep so I could put him down and then spelled off Vanessa so she could finish eating, and Thea and Anya kept themselves busy playing with each other for a bit. It was great to catch up and visit with no pressure. I made Cookie Monster shirts for the four of them with Jake's silk-screen printing set, and we put them all in 'em and lined them up on the couch. We even got a couple pictures of them before anyone started crying! Like I said, pictures to follow. Then Carla (Vanessa and Sarah's mom) and Florinda (their grandmother) and John (their out-of-town uncle) came by and we had a chance to visit with them as well.
I'll have to pause here as Sage is waking up and needs to be fed and changed. More later!
Sunday, October 22, 2006
We're Sorry
This blog cannot be completed as dialed. Please check the number and try your call again. This is a recording.
We're sorry, this blog cannot be completed as dialed. Please check the number and try your call again. This is a recording.
I will be out of town until Thursday. Check back then for the debriefing of Sage's and my trip to Toronto via North Bay.
Until then then...........
We're sorry, this blog cannot be completed as dialed. Please check the number and try your call again. This is a recording.
I will be out of town until Thursday. Check back then for the debriefing of Sage's and my trip to Toronto via North Bay.
Until then then...........
Friday, October 20, 2006
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Hayden And Sage
Hayden just loves holding Sage. And Sage loves being held by him too! I also finally caught a couple smiles on camera.
Smiling Sage
I love my brother!

Practicing his mosquito swat for next summer.
Like I said, food goes in here.
Smells go in here.
Big smile even tho he's getting poked in the eye (Sights go in here).
More big smiles.
This is where the food goes.

Practicing his mosquito swat for next summer.

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