I snuck in a turkey dinner last night. I went on a spur-of-the-moment trip to North Bay on Thursday night to return some pants and get in on the last day of the Boxing Day sales at Penningtons. Carol had my receipt which is why I had to shop in North Bay. Anyway they cooked their turkey and made a feast for Friday night's supper, so I stayed over night on Thursday and helped make their wonderful dinner. It was soo good! Visiting with them was good too. Jake didn't go because he had to work Friday. It was kinda funny because all of us were sick, Me, Hayden, Sage, Anya, Carol, and BJ, and as we were cooking we were laughing because of the lack of senses of taste and smell cuz of all the colds. Carol joked that when she's better if she tries some of the left-overs they're all going to be too salty or too sweet cuz of how we had to flavour them in order to taste something while we were sick.
Tomorrow I'm going to the family's Christmas/New Year's Eve party at my aunt's house. It's a pot-luck Indian meal dinner. I'm not sure how I'm going to enjoy it, but I'll give it a go. I think I'll like what I'm bringing: Zucchini Cous-Cous. If not then it'll just make getting drunk go faster. Yes! I will be drinking. Last time I drank was LAST new year's and I didn't know I was pregnant already with Sage. Writing this has reminded me that I have not yet gone to get my beverage of choice, so I shall be off now, in order to get it.
Saturday, December 30, 2006
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Today is my favorite friend Vanessa's birthday! She's exactly 2 months older than me (hint hint my birthday is in 2 months). We are very proud of this numerical coincidence. It's also her daughter Rachel's 6 month birthday! She was born June 27th. If only if only if only Sage hadn't been breech, my due date for him was August 26th, so it would've been entirely possible that he could've been born on August 27th, EXACTLY TWO MONTHS AFTER RACHEL, but alas twas not to be, he was extracted on the 17th - ten days too early. You may recall me talking about this at the time. Anyway back to the main event....
Happy birthday to you,
Happy Birthday To Youuuu!
Happy BIRTHDAY dear Vaanneessssaaaaaaa,
and many moooooore!
Boxing Day
Well today Hayden was a lot better health-wise than he has been in a long time. He didn't need any medication all day long! No fevers, no misery; he was back to the playful chatter box that he normally is. My voice, although still quite raspy, was at least audible today, although for long conversations or loudness it gave out quickly. I've also gone from the occasional clearing of the throat to a full-on itchy cough, but that's ok cuz my chest feels looser, and I consider myself to be on the upswing of this flu. Sage is pretty much still the same. He never had all the fevers that Hayden got, and his cough is still a bad bark, but he coughs less frequent now. Jake is still well, the bastard. No just kidding Jake, you know I love you, you healthy you, you. His theory is that all the salt he eats and the chemicals from smoking are keeping him pickled enough not to get sick.
I had planned to make a turkey breast last night, and have cranberry sauce and biscuits and mashed potatos and glazed carrots and pumpkin pie in honour of Christmas day, but feeling so tired and icky I didn't end up making all that. We had ham sandwiches instead. I cooked the turkey tonight, but still didn't feel like going to all the trouble of all the other stuff. I made turkey soup the other day with the leftover leg we had from Christmas #2's dinner, and it was really good, so I will make another, LARGER soup with the remains of this breast.
I think my blog has just hit a new low in boring topics.
Wanna see my paperclip collection?
I had planned to make a turkey breast last night, and have cranberry sauce and biscuits and mashed potatos and glazed carrots and pumpkin pie in honour of Christmas day, but feeling so tired and icky I didn't end up making all that. We had ham sandwiches instead. I cooked the turkey tonight, but still didn't feel like going to all the trouble of all the other stuff. I made turkey soup the other day with the leftover leg we had from Christmas #2's dinner, and it was really good, so I will make another, LARGER soup with the remains of this breast.
I think my blog has just hit a new low in boring topics.
Wanna see my paperclip collection?
Monday, December 25, 2006
Christmas #3
It was a quiet day. Of course, all of us except Jake are sick and have low energy. We all slept in the big bed last night (except Sage who slept in his pod) because Hayden had thrown up on his sheets during a nap yesterday afternoon and all his bedclothes were still in the laundry. I woke up this morning with no voice around 9:30am. Hayden woke up next and I gave him some medicine because he was crying and miserable. Then Jake woke up and let the dog out, and we helped Hayden open up his presents. There weren't very many because we'd given most of them to him last Saturday at my mom's house. Just a few trinkets and toys so Christmas Morning proper would have some gifts in it. Sage surprised us all by actually drinking a 6 ounce bottle. He normally takes 30-36 ounces a day, but for the past day and a half he's only been able to manage an ounce or two at a time, and not very many times a day. He doesn't have a runny nose, but does have quite the bark of a cough. Anyway back to the Christmas story. We leisurly got ready to go over to my parent's house for a waffle lunch and a couple more presents for Hayden and me. We didn't stay too long because Hayden was in dire need of a nap and was not feeling well at all, but we did have a yummy bacon and waffle lunch! We were home around 2 and after putting the boys to nap, I decided to take down the Christmas tree. It's been up since November 8th, and I am (was) tired of looking at it! It felt good to get it down and now we have some better ideas for next year: A) Don't put it up 6 weeks early B) Get more decorations so it doesn't look so empty C) No presents before Christmas Day. It was highly anti-climactic to have so few presents to open this morning. Only one other time do I remember having the tree down before New Year's. It was at my parent's house here in Sudbury, and I believe it was boxing day that we got tired of looking at it and took it down.
Anyway no photos taken today. I'm just glad all three Christmasses are done.
Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night.
Anyway no photos taken today. I'm just glad all three Christmasses are done.
Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night.
Sunday, December 24, 2006
Happy Birthday Hayden!
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy BIRTHDAY dear Hayden,
Happy Birthday to you!
You're TWO YEARS OLD! When we ask him "How old are you Hayden?" he says "Two!" we've been working on that one for a couple weeks, and now it works! He used to say "Three!" a lot, but it's fixed now. He can also count to 10 almost all by himself! He gets a little confused around 6 and 7 and it goes downhill from there, usually adding in extra ones fours nines, etc, but he definitly does count to 5 no sweat.
(Also no pictures yet of the birthday boy because he is still very sick and right now is napping.)
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy BIRTHDAY dear Hayden,
Happy Birthday to you!
You're TWO YEARS OLD! When we ask him "How old are you Hayden?" he says "Two!" we've been working on that one for a couple weeks, and now it works! He used to say "Three!" a lot, but it's fixed now. He can also count to 10 almost all by himself! He gets a little confused around 6 and 7 and it goes downhill from there, usually adding in extra ones fours nines, etc, but he definitly does count to 5 no sweat.
(Also no pictures yet of the birthday boy because he is still very sick and right now is napping.)
Saturday, December 23, 2006
Hayden's really sick and I'm sick and this afternoon Sage coughed and cried then coughed some more then cried then threw up then coughed then coughed then cried then slept then coughed then cried. I gave him some children's tylenol and hopefully that'll make him feel better.
my head hurts.
my head hurts.
Friday, December 22, 2006
Today I was bored and a sick 2 year old doesn't have much energy so there wasn't much running around after him, so I folded all the clean laundry, and, MORE IMPORTANTLY, put it away too.. heh heh. Also I dressed Sage in some cool clothes left over from Hayden's babyhood. (Incidentally those overalls are too tight after he eats. I've put them away again. Hopefully the next baby who wears them [Robbie? TwinA or TwinB? Some other kid?] will not be as.. er.. um.. thick.
My baby loves me.
From inside the crib, Sage's Baby Einstein Turtle.
Aww there's sick Hayden coming to see what's going on in the crib.
Doesn't his head look like it's on crooked? hehehe
Showing off his new "grab it and put it in my mouth" move.
I typed this earlier today: Right now as I type, Hayden is handing me Mega Blok pieces and a large tower is starting to form beside the computer. Did I mention that Auntie Carol and Uncle BJ gave him a box of 200 Mega Bloks? It's huge! Oh he's gone away now. Now there is no excuse, I am simply playing with large leggo by myself. What fun! And who was the smartie who made leggo bigger so you don't accidentally step on a teeny tiny piece of it? As kids my sister and I had a big ice-cream bucket filled with leggos, but we were never allowed to play with them because of an unfortunate incident our mother had with a piece hidden in the shag carpet and she stepped on it. As a mother, I have also stepped on a small toy, and I now understand her pain. But dammit! Leggo was fun! Well good thing they made it bigger.
Incidentally, Hayden of No Naps who usually lives here was replaced today by Hayden of Three Naps. One of which was two hours. Poor little guy. He didn't even protest when I rubbed Vicks on his chest before bed. THANK GOODNESS HE'S TWO! You can't put vapo-rub on a kid under 2. Jake went out to buy a humidifier tonight so that'll help the poor guy also.
Hayden and I are sick. So are Carol and Anya. We must've picked up a germ and shared it around on Saturday. Hayden is way worse than I am. He's got a terrible cough that makes him gag and then puke every once in a while. It's grand. I did pre-3rd-Christmas shopping yesterday so we'd be fully stocked with food while the stores are all closed and when I came home Hayden had missed me so much he came to sit with me on the couch and promptly fell asleep. I was holding Sage at the time, who also had fallen asleep. Jake thought we looked cute so took our picture. I like how I look better in the first picture, but Hayden's little round sleeping face in the second picture was irresistable and I had to post it as well.

Here's to hoping the 3 minutes of breastfeeding a day that I am still able to get into him will allow Sage to aquire the antibodies to this cold and he won't get sick.
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Sage's Tummy Time
Ever inspired by his very northern and strong friend Rachel (born almost six months ago in Yellowknife NWT) Sage decided to push himself up on one elbow during his tummy time this evening. I didn't get a picture of the main event, because I wasn't holding the camera when he did it, but I did get some cute shots afterward. I had hoped he would do it again. He didn't. And then he cried. One day, Sage, one day.

In other news, we have an appointment with a female pediatrician who's taking new patients! It's not till the end of January, but I'm glad to explore new medical options for my kids. Our current doctor has so many patients, you're lucky if you get 3 minutes with him after a 90 minute wait.
Chocolate Sushi
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Churchy Christmas
Last night we took the kids to see our friend Teri Mai sing in her church choir's Christmas Performance. It was really good! Hayden loved the music. I stood him on the pew next to me so he could see. He only got a little distracted towards the end, and played with a hymn book until he almost bonked the lady in front of him on the head. Then he played with some little envelopes that were supplied - a much safer toy. Sage slept for about 20 minutes but then woke up and cried, needing to be fed. Jake took him into the hallway and we both had to laugh because the usher closed all the doors to the auditorium cuz Sage was crying so hard. I ran into a bunch of friends from work: Katie, Sam, Sylvie and her son, and Elaine the nurse. It really put me back into the Christmas mood. I love a year with three Christmasses!
Sage 'reading' the program
Teri Mai greets us before the show
There's Sylvie and her son! Hi!
The choir sang beautifully
The whole choir, some wise men, an angel, Mary, Joseph, and some other people.

My cute little guy in his snowman tie.
My cute little guy in his snowman tie making a Very Happy Face.
After the show, I took off his cute snowman tie and he got into his pajamas and new robe from Auntie Erica.
This was yesterday. Hayden had sat right on top of his new Pooh Bear to watch Sesame Street.
Hayden Bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down!

Hayden in his tie on the pew

My cute little guy in his snowman tie.

Sunday, December 17, 2006
Christmas #2
What a great day we had! We got over to my parents' house around 9:30am and stuck the turkey in the oven. Jake cut the bottom off their tree and brought it inside. We had just begun to decorate when the Szabicots arrived! They helped out and we all had fun. Anya and Hayden even helped decorate. Jake and BJ each went shopping, and when they both returned, we had lunch of yummy dimsum from the Korean market near my parent's house. Then we gathered round the tree and began opening gifts. Anya was really good at opening presents, but Hayden was more interested in playing with what Anya opened than opening his own stuff. It was a chaotic messy fun exciting wonderful gift-giving session. My only complaint was that I hardly got to see what people got because we were all so busy opening! We had a bit of a time crunch because we'd planned into the day a 2 hour nap break before supper. We all left my parents to nap and re-coop, and we put the kids down for naps at my house. Then Carol and I went to the nearby maternity store to shop. We also hit Penningtons and I got some new pants. hehe! She didn't end up getting anything. Oh well! 'Tis the season to shop for yourself. We put Anya's carseat into our car and Carol and I went back to my parents' house around 5:30pm to start the rest of supper while the kids finished their naps. Unfortunately Anya hadn't been able to start napping for a long time, even tho BJ was trying everything to get her to nap. Strange house, over-stimulated, maybe we missed her "good nap" window. She ended up falling asleep about 30 minutes before Carol and I got back from shopping, which is why we went to my parents' house earlier than the guys did. Carol and I peeled and cooked the potatoes, made the cranberry sauce, glazed carrots, stuffing, peas, gravy, and cleared and set the table. When we transferred the turkey from the pan to the plate, I used 2 long skewers to pick it up. It looked so funny with them sticking out, like a robot's antennae. I had to take a picture! We laughed really hard. Some of my favourite gift highlights: Carol and I each got a copy of my dad's book which is FINALLY published - Supergiant; a one-hour flight for my dad which we all chipped in for, so he can tour the landscape from above; a plate of chocolate sushi that Carol made herself (I forgot to take a picture of it, but I will and post it later); and so much more. We got my mom a brand-new set of towels, since her current "set" includes thread-bare gems from 30 years ago. BJ and Carol had a breakfast desire when they were making their lists. She wanted a waffle iron (check) and BJ wanted a griddle for pancakes and eggs (check). We got Anya and Hayden a Mr and Mrs Potato Head, and that went over really well. Like I said, a great day. And now, the photos!
Happy Sage Hayden holding Anya's new Cow
Raspberries for Anya - at the request of my mother who's been dying to see her finger in a raspberry since she first saw Anya do it on my blog in August.
Daddy and Sage enjoying some potato chips. Not really, Sage is just sucking his fingers.

The Dinner Table
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