I'm early for leaving to work today so I thought I'd jot a few thoughts down here. I don't know how often I'll be blogging in the future; going back to full time work is a full time job! heh heh. No seriously, it really takes up a lot of my time. Stupid
working *kick*.
Sage is really on the move now. He's a super fast crawler and is standing up more and more often. He's even taken sideways and forward steps one, two, and even three at a time! Pretty soon he'll be taking a lot more than that. He's so steady on his feet, he just lacks the confidence, I'm sure. We coax him to walk between us and around the room. He'll get it. AND he'll be getting it 5 months earlier than his big brother did (Sage is 13 months now, Hayden walked when he was almost 18 months).
I didn't even blog a Happy Birthday message to Jake yesterday, I just realized. Hrm. What a bad blogger I am. and not so great a wife either, eh? hey! Who's agreeing with me? Stop that! I'm a great wife.
Yesterday being Jake's birthday, we went out to lunch with my dad, and then we drove out to Lively to buy Native cigarettes ($30 a carton). On the way out there we were almost sideswiped by a stupid truck turning left onto the 5 lane highway. There was a middle lane, but his angle looked too wide to be aiming for it; he was coming right into MY lane! I had to swerve drastically so as not to hit him. I honked my horn for a long time, and then broke out in OH MY GOD WHAT IF I HADN"T MISSED HIM sweat. Jake said it was awesome manoevering on my part. We're just lucky there wasn't anyone in my blind spot on the right. And then, a few minutes later, the radio started going louder and quieter as I stepped on the brakes and gas. Isn't that weird? I thought. Then other things started to go funny. The turn signals wouldn't work, the spedometer was all over the place.. Jake said not to turn the car off while he went in to buy the smokes because he was sure the battery was dying. On the way back we finally lost all power
right across the street from a garage. The guy wasn't busy and hooked us up to a different battery to move the car across the street into the bay, and he told us it was the alternator. He could have a new one there in 15 minutes and fixed in an hour and a half. Lucky for us it was payday and we had the $400. We hung out at the Country Style just up the road for a bit, and then went for a walk through a graveyard that still had mosquitos in it, and by the time we got back to the garage, our car was done. For having bad luck, it certainly was the best case scenario. We were so thankful at the circumstances, we weren't even pissed about the unexpected $400 dish-out. If the car had died on the highway, we would've been stranded! We would've had to pay for a tow truck, it would've taken a lot longer... oh so much else could've gone wrong.
Now it's past 7:30 and I still have to put on my eyeliner and get going to work. ta ta for now!