Hayden's blood test results are normal! Hooray!
(this post is short just for BJ's enjoyment)
Monday, January 28, 2008
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
I just discovered that my friend Mindi has a new blog, and her friend JennD also has a blog! I'm so excited to read into their thoughts and observations.
I found this and tested myself. I impressed me.
69 words
I never took typing classes, I first got quick when I spent a lot of time chatting on the internet way back when, and then the last 5 years as a computer jockey at work has helped too. Anyway, test yourself and tell me in a comment how good you are so we can compare scores!
I found this and tested myself. I impressed me.
69 words
I never took typing classes, I first got quick when I spent a lot of time chatting on the internet way back when, and then the last 5 years as a computer jockey at work has helped too. Anyway, test yourself and tell me in a comment how good you are so we can compare scores!
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Pas De Fridge
Our fridge is gone.
Some guys showed up this morning asking for donations, so I gave them our fridge.
It's all good though because my dad said he'd give me his.
the REAL story:
We had a yukky fridge. It leaned forward, and even tho we had put the feet up and put cardboard levelers under it, the shelves were still quite slanty forward. The freezer door hinges were starting to let go, so the door was on a slant, and we often had frost on the outside. There were other things too, like the crisper drawers didn't open and the cover for the fan in the freezer often fell off.. BLEH it was a mess. So when my dad told me a few months ago that he was thinking of getting a new fridge, I said "dibs on your old one!!" That magical day has happened, so I made an appointment with the Great Refridgerator Roundup people from the "Every Killowatt Counts" campaign, and they came and took my old fridge. They will dispose of it in an environmentally friendly way, and recycle the bits they can.
The only problem is that they came this morning at 9am and we're not getting my dad's fridge till 6pm or so. So all my food is outside in boxes. I just hope it doesn't all freeze..... maybe I should bring it all inside every once in a while...
Some guys showed up this morning asking for donations, so I gave them our fridge.
It's all good though because my dad said he'd give me his.
the REAL story:
We had a yukky fridge. It leaned forward, and even tho we had put the feet up and put cardboard levelers under it, the shelves were still quite slanty forward. The freezer door hinges were starting to let go, so the door was on a slant, and we often had frost on the outside. There were other things too, like the crisper drawers didn't open and the cover for the fan in the freezer often fell off.. BLEH it was a mess. So when my dad told me a few months ago that he was thinking of getting a new fridge, I said "dibs on your old one!!" That magical day has happened, so I made an appointment with the Great Refridgerator Roundup people from the "Every Killowatt Counts" campaign, and they came and took my old fridge. They will dispose of it in an environmentally friendly way, and recycle the bits they can.
The only problem is that they came this morning at 9am and we're not getting my dad's fridge till 6pm or so. So all my food is outside in boxes. I just hope it doesn't all freeze..... maybe I should bring it all inside every once in a while...
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Snow Angel
Hayden and I got dressed for the out doors this afternoon and went outside to play in the newly fallen snow that yesterday brought. It was so sunny and bright today! Gorgeous. I wanted Lacey to come out and play with us too, so I asked Jake if he could let her out of the kitchen (I had snow on my boots already). She came over to the door and as I bent down to grab her collar, voom! She took off.
Hayden and I walked around with her leash, calling and whistling for her to come back. We had a good time walking around the large compound/parking lot of McDowell Equipment. We didn't see hide or hair of Lacey tho. Then on a pass by our house, I noticed fresh dog tracks running behind our house. Well, the tracks weren't running, but a big dumb dog had been. I walked around the side of the house and there was Lacey, face-deep in the bags of garbage we had behind the house. Nice. I tied her to her lead and kicked snow at her while she chomped at it for about 20 minutes. She was crazy excited to bite the snow. She was drooling and running back and forth and jumping, it was loads of fun! Hayden thought she was hillarious. I showed Hayden how to make a snow angel and he made a cute little Hayden-sized one. He liked to eat the snowballs that were forming on his mittens. He also liked throwing snow at Lacey. I was hoping it would be warm enough to be packing snow so we could build a snow man, but even tho it wasn't terribly cold, the snow wasn't warm enough to stick together. Oh well. Another day.
It was cute today Hayden kept telling me he had a butterfly sitting on his arm, and he liked the butterfly and he thought it was SOO Cute, see? He's talking a lot and adding lots of words into his sentences. One of his favorite things to say is "see?" at the end of his sentences. "Here's my blue ball with yellow, see?" "My boo boo hurts, see?" "Sage is hungry, see?" or Now. "I want some water NOW." "I need a green crayon NOW." We've explained to him that it's not polite to be so demanding.
Oh and one more thing. Easy come, easy go with the gas gauge. I went out to visit my friend Marlene tonight, who lives between Wahnapitae and Markstay (about 15 minutes east of our house) so I needed gas. Jake said "Don't fill the tank!" and I agreed. But we collect Bonus Bucks at Pioneer gas station. I wanted $0.30 for 40 litres. The tank was pretty empty and it takes over 60L for a fill-up, so I thought 40 would give us plenty without being full. Well, it filled it and I think the stupid thing is stuck again. I'm pretty sure that the trip out to Marlene's would've made a dint in the gas, but sadly it still shows full. Ahh well.
Hayden and I walked around with her leash, calling and whistling for her to come back. We had a good time walking around the large compound/parking lot of McDowell Equipment. We didn't see hide or hair of Lacey tho. Then on a pass by our house, I noticed fresh dog tracks running behind our house. Well, the tracks weren't running, but a big dumb dog had been. I walked around the side of the house and there was Lacey, face-deep in the bags of garbage we had behind the house. Nice. I tied her to her lead and kicked snow at her while she chomped at it for about 20 minutes. She was crazy excited to bite the snow. She was drooling and running back and forth and jumping, it was loads of fun! Hayden thought she was hillarious. I showed Hayden how to make a snow angel and he made a cute little Hayden-sized one. He liked to eat the snowballs that were forming on his mittens. He also liked throwing snow at Lacey. I was hoping it would be warm enough to be packing snow so we could build a snow man, but even tho it wasn't terribly cold, the snow wasn't warm enough to stick together. Oh well. Another day.
It was cute today Hayden kept telling me he had a butterfly sitting on his arm, and he liked the butterfly and he thought it was SOO Cute, see? He's talking a lot and adding lots of words into his sentences. One of his favorite things to say is "see?" at the end of his sentences. "Here's my blue ball with yellow, see?" "My boo boo hurts, see?" "Sage is hungry, see?" or Now. "I want some water NOW." "I need a green crayon NOW." We've explained to him that it's not polite to be so demanding.
Oh and one more thing. Easy come, easy go with the gas gauge. I went out to visit my friend Marlene tonight, who lives between Wahnapitae and Markstay (about 15 minutes east of our house) so I needed gas. Jake said "Don't fill the tank!" and I agreed. But we collect Bonus Bucks at Pioneer gas station. I wanted $0.30 for 40 litres. The tank was pretty empty and it takes over 60L for a fill-up, so I thought 40 would give us plenty without being full. Well, it filled it and I think the stupid thing is stuck again. I'm pretty sure that the trip out to Marlene's would've made a dint in the gas, but sadly it still shows full. Ahh well.
Friday, January 11, 2008
Gas Gauge and Blood Work
Yesterday after work I noticed that our gas gauge was fixed! It had been stuck at full ever since we went to North Bay at Thanksgiving and filled the tank before we left. Yay! And during that entire time (october 7th to January 10th) we only ever ran out of gas once. And it was Jake, on Lasalle, and my dad went and saved him. What a relief to have a gas gauge again!
Today I took Hayden to the hospital to get his bloodwork done. It had been ordered in December, but I hadn't gotten myself ready for the trauma I was expecting him to go through, and frankly didn't want to have to go through all that in the busy time before Christmas. Jake and I got the kids ready this morning, we drove him to work, then I dropped Sage off at Auntie Sandy's house since she'd agreed to watch him while I took Hayden up to St. Joseph's Hospital. I got a meter, which was a miracle, and Hayden and I went in and tried to find out where to go. We eventually wound up in the right department (admitting) however, I had brought with us the WRONG requisition form!! The admitting nurse said "So Krawczuk is the family doctor?" and I said "No, Hayden's doctor is Pluta." She said "But Krawczuk ordered the tests?" "No, Hayden doesn't see Dr Krawczuk at all, he's my doctor only. Dr PLUTA ordered the tests." and then I realized... "Oh.. that's my req." and then I realized further "uh oh... I don't think I have Hayden's req..." and began to search my purse for the requisition I knew was not there. I was very sad to realize the req was probably where I'd left it, on the printer at home. "Oh reggle-skeggle I have to go home and get his paperwork." ['Reggle-skeggle' is the swearing that Fred Flinstone utters under his breath.]
SO Back to the car we went. Buckled up Hayden. Swore for real in the few seconds I had between closing the back door and opening the driver's door. Drove home. Did I mention it was snowing all day and the ploughs hadn't been by yet? Got home. Searched for the req. Found the other Wii remote which had been missing. Found the req. Got back in the car. Relaxed while Toto sang us most of the way back to the hospital about the rains down in Aaaaaafricaaaa. Turned into the metered parking lot, behind another car. Which happened to take the one available spot. Drove over to the $3 parking lot. Full. Attendant waving me away mouthing the word "FULL". Gave him the finger in my head. Drove further away to the free lot at York Street. Parked. Bundled Hayden and myself up for the long walk to the hospital. Considered foregoing the whole thing and doing it another time. Reconsidered and kept going. Walking to the hospital, which is on Lake Ramsey, for those of you who don't know, was very cold and windy. The wind was coming in from across the lake right into our faces. Hayden kept crying and saying he needed a hug. I carried him for about 25 steps, but he's heavy and I'm weak and it's even harder when both our slippery coats prevented friction from helping hold him up. The snow was blowing and Hayden was saying "shoo! shoo!" to it to get it out of his face. I thought that was pretty cute. Eventually we got to the admitting desk and the nurse there had a little laugh at us making it back. She typed in his proper information and we went down to the lab out-patient waiting room.
At this point Hayden said he needed to pee on the toilet. At home when he pees on the toilet, he takes everything off from the waist down. Here at the hospital, I didn't want him doing that. I hummed and hawed and asked him if he could just pee into his diaper this time. A few minutes later he asked again. I asked another patient if she could watch the diaper bag and coats while I took him into the bathroom. She did. I told Hayden he would have to pee with his boots on and his pants and pull-up down around his ankles. I held his hands while he sat on the toilet seat and tried to point his penis down so he wouldn't go all over his leg. And he peed! I'm so proud of him!
A few minutes later it was Hayden's turn to get pricked. Three phlebotomists were there and asked me how his temperment was. I said "Honestly, he freaks out when the dr tries to look in his ear, so I have no idea how he'll be with this. It's his first time getting blood drawn. I think he'll need to be strapped down." They sat him on a bed and one of the ladies said "ok we're going to feel your muscles now! make a fist" and tied a tournequet around his arm. She felt his little anticubital space for a vein to pop up, and located a good candidate. Then they asked him to lie down and one lady explained that a little butterfly was going to sit on his arm for a few minutes and while it did that, a spaghetti noodle inside his arm was going to pour spaghetti sauce into the little tube she had. He only flinched for a second when the needle went in, and while she described the spaghetti sauce and how good it was and how much the butterfly liked it, he watched his blood go down the little tubing and into the vacuum tube. He didn't cry, he didn't fight, he didn't thrash, he didn't puke, he didn't worry, he didn't yell, he didn't do anything except watch quietly and be a perfect little boy! I was very relieved. When the two tubes were filled, she put tape on the cotton ball on his arm, and then gave him two little knitted finger puppets to play with.
We walked back to the car and with the wind at our backs it was a pleasant walk. The snow drifted down peacefully and I was so glad it went well. Now we'll just wait for the results and cross our fingers that the glucose test comes back normal.
Today I took Hayden to the hospital to get his bloodwork done. It had been ordered in December, but I hadn't gotten myself ready for the trauma I was expecting him to go through, and frankly didn't want to have to go through all that in the busy time before Christmas. Jake and I got the kids ready this morning, we drove him to work, then I dropped Sage off at Auntie Sandy's house since she'd agreed to watch him while I took Hayden up to St. Joseph's Hospital. I got a meter, which was a miracle, and Hayden and I went in and tried to find out where to go. We eventually wound up in the right department (admitting) however, I had brought with us the WRONG requisition form!! The admitting nurse said "So Krawczuk is the family doctor?" and I said "No, Hayden's doctor is Pluta." She said "But Krawczuk ordered the tests?" "No, Hayden doesn't see Dr Krawczuk at all, he's my doctor only. Dr PLUTA ordered the tests." and then I realized... "Oh.. that's my req." and then I realized further "uh oh... I don't think I have Hayden's req..." and began to search my purse for the requisition I knew was not there. I was very sad to realize the req was probably where I'd left it, on the printer at home. "Oh reggle-skeggle I have to go home and get his paperwork." ['Reggle-skeggle' is the swearing that Fred Flinstone utters under his breath.]
SO Back to the car we went. Buckled up Hayden. Swore for real in the few seconds I had between closing the back door and opening the driver's door. Drove home. Did I mention it was snowing all day and the ploughs hadn't been by yet? Got home. Searched for the req. Found the other Wii remote which had been missing. Found the req. Got back in the car. Relaxed while Toto sang us most of the way back to the hospital about the rains down in Aaaaaafricaaaa. Turned into the metered parking lot, behind another car. Which happened to take the one available spot. Drove over to the $3 parking lot. Full. Attendant waving me away mouthing the word "FULL". Gave him the finger in my head. Drove further away to the free lot at York Street. Parked. Bundled Hayden and myself up for the long walk to the hospital. Considered foregoing the whole thing and doing it another time. Reconsidered and kept going. Walking to the hospital, which is on Lake Ramsey, for those of you who don't know, was very cold and windy. The wind was coming in from across the lake right into our faces. Hayden kept crying and saying he needed a hug. I carried him for about 25 steps, but he's heavy and I'm weak and it's even harder when both our slippery coats prevented friction from helping hold him up. The snow was blowing and Hayden was saying "shoo! shoo!" to it to get it out of his face. I thought that was pretty cute. Eventually we got to the admitting desk and the nurse there had a little laugh at us making it back. She typed in his proper information and we went down to the lab out-patient waiting room.
At this point Hayden said he needed to pee on the toilet. At home when he pees on the toilet, he takes everything off from the waist down. Here at the hospital, I didn't want him doing that. I hummed and hawed and asked him if he could just pee into his diaper this time. A few minutes later he asked again. I asked another patient if she could watch the diaper bag and coats while I took him into the bathroom. She did. I told Hayden he would have to pee with his boots on and his pants and pull-up down around his ankles. I held his hands while he sat on the toilet seat and tried to point his penis down so he wouldn't go all over his leg. And he peed! I'm so proud of him!
A few minutes later it was Hayden's turn to get pricked. Three phlebotomists were there and asked me how his temperment was. I said "Honestly, he freaks out when the dr tries to look in his ear, so I have no idea how he'll be with this. It's his first time getting blood drawn. I think he'll need to be strapped down." They sat him on a bed and one of the ladies said "ok we're going to feel your muscles now! make a fist" and tied a tournequet around his arm. She felt his little anticubital space for a vein to pop up, and located a good candidate. Then they asked him to lie down and one lady explained that a little butterfly was going to sit on his arm for a few minutes and while it did that, a spaghetti noodle inside his arm was going to pour spaghetti sauce into the little tube she had. He only flinched for a second when the needle went in, and while she described the spaghetti sauce and how good it was and how much the butterfly liked it, he watched his blood go down the little tubing and into the vacuum tube. He didn't cry, he didn't fight, he didn't thrash, he didn't puke, he didn't worry, he didn't yell, he didn't do anything except watch quietly and be a perfect little boy! I was very relieved. When the two tubes were filled, she put tape on the cotton ball on his arm, and then gave him two little knitted finger puppets to play with.
We walked back to the car and with the wind at our backs it was a pleasant walk. The snow drifted down peacefully and I was so glad it went well. Now we'll just wait for the results and cross our fingers that the glucose test comes back normal.
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
Holy Moly!
There's a trailer! And it's awesome! And the game is coming soon! (hint to those of you who might be getting me a present for my birthday: this would be an awesome one)
so cool.
There's a trailer! And it's awesome! And the game is coming soon! (hint to those of you who might be getting me a present for my birthday: this would be an awesome one)
so cool.
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
And just like that..
they're in!
Hayden and Sage have officially been accepted into
Cotton Candy Daycare! [sidenote, Mindi would pronounce this with the emphasis on the Candy, whereas I and the rest of the sane world would put the emphasis properly on the Cotton.]
I was expecting a long ordeal with phoning around and leaving messages and begging and pleading and making deals and compromises.. but no! The first two places I called I did have to leave messages because the ladies I had to speak to weren't in, but the third place I called she was there and when I told her the date Sage would be 18 months old, she counted under her breath a little and said "okay" and I said "Okay?" and she said "yep. Someone just gave me notice, and it works out perfectly. We'll have space for both of them." and then I said the words that I figured would dash my elation to the ground "Does it matter that I only need it Tuesdays Wednesdays and Fridays?" and I cringed, waiting for answer. "Nope, that'll be okay." "Really? That's Wonderful!"
I still can hardly believe it. We go meet with them to fill out paperwork and let the boys see the people who'll be caring for them and stuff on January 29th.
Woo Hoo!
Hayden and Sage have officially been accepted into

Cotton Candy Daycare! [sidenote, Mindi would pronounce this with the emphasis on the Candy, whereas I and the rest of the sane world would put the emphasis properly on the Cotton.]
I was expecting a long ordeal with phoning around and leaving messages and begging and pleading and making deals and compromises.. but no! The first two places I called I did have to leave messages because the ladies I had to speak to weren't in, but the third place I called she was there and when I told her the date Sage would be 18 months old, she counted under her breath a little and said "okay" and I said "Okay?" and she said "yep. Someone just gave me notice, and it works out perfectly. We'll have space for both of them." and then I said the words that I figured would dash my elation to the ground "Does it matter that I only need it Tuesdays Wednesdays and Fridays?" and I cringed, waiting for answer. "Nope, that'll be okay." "Really? That's Wonderful!"
I still can hardly believe it. We go meet with them to fill out paperwork and let the boys see the people who'll be caring for them and stuff on January 29th.
Woo Hoo!
Sunday, January 06, 2008
Carol Blogs!
Hey! This year Carol has decided to start blogging! If'n yer interested, here's her website: http://a--b--c--d--e.blogspot.com and I hope you check her out!
(This shameless plug was not endorsed by the creators of ABCDE enterprizes, although we do have her best intentions at heart.)
(This shameless plug was not endorsed by the creators of ABCDE enterprizes, although we do have her best intentions at heart.)
Wednesday, January 02, 2008
Christmas Pictures
Finally I have the time and gumption to get the pictures off my camera and onto my blog.
Just after we set up the Christmas tree, Sage went behind it and got "stuck" behind the prickly branches.

Ahh he's finally able to get free!
"I decree My Birthday and Christmas Eve to be The Happiest Day Ever!"
Christmas Eve was the Racicot "christmas day" full of presents and turkey and love. My dad gave his brood (all 9 of us) themed presents of gold. He's helping Hayden to open his.
Anya supervises in case there's an emergency requirement for her to start helping unwrap.
A beautiful shot of the Szabbies and Hayden and my dad's new tree, which I just love.
Elora examines a ribbon.
Only Elora aware a picture is being taken.
Smiles for Mommy.
Grampa and Sage share a moment. They had been sitting together nicelier than this, Sage is on his way out of the chair at this moment.
Anya and Dhara explore Sage's new tunnel.
I seem to remember a similar pose Anya had in a black and white grainy kind of photo... when she was a lot younger of course.
Hayden heads in to see what's going on.
Matching pajamas onna couch.
Hayden's Birthday Cake. Those are the duckies from the cake of his baby shower.
Elora takes a moment after supper to taste a toy.
Three generations of weirdos.
The cake is lit, we're singing.
Hayden blows out the candles.
Yay for Hayden!
Mowing down some cake.
That blob of icing on the table cloth was for later. Hayden went by and licked it off just before we went home.
December 25th and Santa had been past our house during the night.
Notice our tree only has decorations on the top half. And the presents are hiding the broken branches that Hayden fell on and bent. The angel had fallen off so many times we were tired of putting it back on. Our dismal tree was taken down boxing day.
My dad in his new sweater, Hayden playing with toys, Jake unwinding some infuriating wires to free another toy from its packaging.
Joyous mayhem is Christmas Morning.
See the joy?

Just after we set up the Christmas tree, Sage went behind it and got "stuck" behind the prickly branches.

Tuesday, January 01, 2008
Happy New Year!
Yay for 2008!
Last night Jake and I stayed home and played poker online and also I watched Dreamgirls which was on the movie network. I was GOING to drink a bottle of blackberry wine, but I never got around to it. We wanted Hayden to stay up to midnight with us, so we gave him a few ounces of Coke, which we've never done before. I told him that it was a special night and he was being allowed pop this once, but that it wasn't going to be a daily thing. I don't know if he listened to me or not, cuz he kept sipping his Coke and smiling this huge smile and saying "I LOVE pop!" I think he drank too fast though because after about the 50th sip (I don't know, I wasn't counting) he started wiggling and rubbing his nose and saying "I don't like pop" cuz I guess the bubbles were building up. Anyway he was hyper for about 15 minutes, but I think it was more due to the contagious excitement we were exuding. [Jake at the computer playing poker, and me with my feet up in the lay-z-boy were the poster children of exciting times.] Anyway the coke didn't work to keep him up. He flaked out on the couch by 10:30.
At 11:35 we tuned in to Dick Clark and Ryan Seacrest and Times Square, and grimaced and shuddered while we partied with a corpse and a Ken-doll. The worst part was when they let Dick Clark count us down to midnight, because the stroke he'd had a few years ago was still very evident in his speech. He slurred us into 2008.
Afterward, Jake tuned into wrestling and I went to bed. Yeehaw. Party Animals Extraordinaire!
I wish you all heath and prosperity for this new year.
Last night Jake and I stayed home and played poker online and also I watched Dreamgirls which was on the movie network. I was GOING to drink a bottle of blackberry wine, but I never got around to it. We wanted Hayden to stay up to midnight with us, so we gave him a few ounces of Coke, which we've never done before. I told him that it was a special night and he was being allowed pop this once, but that it wasn't going to be a daily thing. I don't know if he listened to me or not, cuz he kept sipping his Coke and smiling this huge smile and saying "I LOVE pop!" I think he drank too fast though because after about the 50th sip (I don't know, I wasn't counting) he started wiggling and rubbing his nose and saying "I don't like pop" cuz I guess the bubbles were building up. Anyway he was hyper for about 15 minutes, but I think it was more due to the contagious excitement we were exuding. [Jake at the computer playing poker, and me with my feet up in the lay-z-boy were the poster children of exciting times.] Anyway the coke didn't work to keep him up. He flaked out on the couch by 10:30.
At 11:35 we tuned in to Dick Clark and Ryan Seacrest and Times Square, and grimaced and shuddered while we partied with a corpse and a Ken-doll. The worst part was when they let Dick Clark count us down to midnight, because the stroke he'd had a few years ago was still very evident in his speech. He slurred us into 2008.
Afterward, Jake tuned into wrestling and I went to bed. Yeehaw. Party Animals Extraordinaire!
I wish you all heath and prosperity for this new year.
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