Well the flu that I have had since a week before Christmas is still with me. I saw the clinic doctor yesterday who said "it's either viral or bacterial" ordered some tests and sent the results to my family doctor, who is so busy, by the time I get an appointment in his office I probably will be done with this. And then he'll say "yep you were sick. You had XXX." Or he'll say "yep you were sick. You didn't have XXX though." It doesn't change the fact that I am not feeling well now.
I am finally posting our Christmas pictures tho. Hooray for small accomplishments.
We went to my dad's on the evening of the 23rd for some dinner and visiting with my dad's friend Adrien and also Granty Penny and Gruncle Ron. Notice the snowflakes on the wall above the "fireplace". My dad has maybe 200 unique hand-crafted paper snowflakes that he painstakingly made over about 20 years, 70's to 90's.
Adrien helping Anya and Hayden figure out how to make that happy meal toy fly.
Rounding the kids up in their matching pj's for the photo.