I am just trying this out. Will this publish? Have I found a secret way to blog from work? Hehehe!
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Testing Email Posting
Friday, September 25, 2009
To Abby Sale
Who are you? What are you talking about "Phlebotomy Blues was a big hit back then." When? Do I know you?
Monday, September 21, 2009
Happy Birthday JAKE!
Happy birthday honey, I love you!
Ahhh a six month break of taunts that I'm older cuz now WE DA SAME AGE AGAIN! hehe
don't spend all that poker money on one table.
Ahhh a six month break of taunts that I'm older cuz now WE DA SAME AGE AGAIN! hehe
don't spend all that poker money on one table.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Family Update
- was deemed today to be 'the most stubborn kid I've ever had' by his daycare teacher Louise
- knows how to write the letters S and H but refuses to try or acknowledge that he knows any others
- knows his colours but again, refuses to let us know he knows and tries to throw us off by intentionally saying the wrong colour when asked. we know it's intentional because I heard him telling Hayden at dinner the other night that his plate was yellow and Hayden's plate was red.
- gets a Monkey face when he's about to trick us
- is slowly being more successful in his potty training but still wears a diaper all day
- loves daycare and loves field trips, can't wait for school next year
- loves Kindergarten and is quickly learning a TON of French, speaking in French sentences already
- has recently requested to watch French cartoons on tv
- grew an inch since May
- is anxious for his birthday which he suspects will be soon, right after Halloween
- thinks Halloween is very soon
- wants to be Spider Man, Super Man, a dragon, a dinosaur, AND the big bad wolf for Halloween. All at once.
- has slept in his own bed all night through for 5 nights in a row (this is phenominal, the first time in his life he's done this!!)
- is working out a ton and has developed rock hard abs so far :)
- is going to turn 34 on Monday
- could open his own small business designing t-shirts galore
- is excited to see his family in October (18 months since our last visit)
- is scared that the Santa Clause parade is less than two months away
- wants a large intricate butterfly tattoo for her left forearm *looks Carol's way*
- thinks maybe some nightschool may be in her future (computer courses?)
- would love to have the Beatles Rock band game for Xbox
- can't wait to see all the American Relatives!! Here we come!
- was deemed today to be 'the most stubborn kid I've ever had' by his daycare teacher Louise
- knows how to write the letters S and H but refuses to try or acknowledge that he knows any others
- knows his colours but again, refuses to let us know he knows and tries to throw us off by intentionally saying the wrong colour when asked. we know it's intentional because I heard him telling Hayden at dinner the other night that his plate was yellow and Hayden's plate was red.
- gets a Monkey face when he's about to trick us
- is slowly being more successful in his potty training but still wears a diaper all day
- loves daycare and loves field trips, can't wait for school next year
- loves Kindergarten and is quickly learning a TON of French, speaking in French sentences already
- has recently requested to watch French cartoons on tv
- grew an inch since May
- is anxious for his birthday which he suspects will be soon, right after Halloween
- thinks Halloween is very soon
- wants to be Spider Man, Super Man, a dragon, a dinosaur, AND the big bad wolf for Halloween. All at once.
- has slept in his own bed all night through for 5 nights in a row (this is phenominal, the first time in his life he's done this!!)
- is working out a ton and has developed rock hard abs so far :)
- is going to turn 34 on Monday
- could open his own small business designing t-shirts galore
- is excited to see his family in October (18 months since our last visit)
- is scared that the Santa Clause parade is less than two months away
- wants a large intricate butterfly tattoo for her left forearm *looks Carol's way*
- thinks maybe some nightschool may be in her future (computer courses?)
- would love to have the Beatles Rock band game for Xbox
- can't wait to see all the American Relatives!! Here we come!
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
blog blah
Hi all you all out there in blog-land. I have a bad case of blog-blah. Blog-blah, as I've determined, is the blah feeling you get when you think about your blog and how long it's been since you've posted. It is caused by procrastination and the need for new blog entries weighs heavily on the conscience of the blogger. The feeling is unfortunately intensified when fun photo-filled events transpire but don't get fully described or photos posted.
The thing is, I took 200 photos of African Lion Safari and the Butterfly place. And I can only post five at a time and for some stupid reason ONLY IN REVERSE ORDER and once they're posted I can't manipulate their order easily. Plus they take forever to load. It's quite overwhelming as tasks go, and apparently makes me whiney.
So I put them all up on my facebook page. It was easier to upload there. I know facebook is evil, but I only sold part of my internet soul for the privilege of using their uploader.
And the sound of one wing flapping is apparently the same sound that no blog posts make.
Hey! Did anyone ever eat "ground cherries"? A co-worker of mine brought some in and I ate one. They're tiny sweet berry-like tomatos that are encased in a papery lantern-like shell of sorts. I saved some seeds and am going to grow some!
The thing is, I took 200 photos of African Lion Safari and the Butterfly place. And I can only post five at a time and for some stupid reason ONLY IN REVERSE ORDER and once they're posted I can't manipulate their order easily. Plus they take forever to load. It's quite overwhelming as tasks go, and apparently makes me whiney.
So I put them all up on my facebook page. It was easier to upload there. I know facebook is evil, but I only sold part of my internet soul for the privilege of using their uploader.
And the sound of one wing flapping is apparently the same sound that no blog posts make.
Hey! Did anyone ever eat "ground cherries"? A co-worker of mine brought some in and I ate one. They're tiny sweet berry-like tomatos that are encased in a papery lantern-like shell of sorts. I saved some seeds and am going to grow some!
Wednesday, September 09, 2009
Tuesday, September 08, 2009
African Lion Safari
Friday afternoon at work Jake called me and said "So here's what I think. I think we should go to African Lion Safari after work tonight." I said "uh.." cuz I'm real intelligent like that. I asked him for some time to think about it since I would be the one doing all the driving. After about half an hour, I was agreeable to the idea and we started making plans. It's about a 5.5 hour drive south from Sudbury.
More later. watching butterfly video.
More later. watching butterfly video.
Saturday, September 05, 2009
Do you feel like I'm closer? We are in Cambridge RIGHT NOW. Whirlwind last minute trip to A Frickin' Lion Safari.
We're leaving for home again Saturday afternoon.
Anyway happy birthday love and I hope you're partying it up suitably Mindi-Style as I type.
ps hey I sort of wrote this as an email, but it's a blog. weird. And I'm in a hotel room on my computer. even weirder.
Do you feel like I'm closer? We are in Cambridge RIGHT NOW. Whirlwind last minute trip to A Frickin' Lion Safari.
We're leaving for home again Saturday afternoon.
Anyway happy birthday love and I hope you're partying it up suitably Mindi-Style as I type.
ps hey I sort of wrote this as an email, but it's a blog. weird. And I'm in a hotel room on my computer. even weirder.
Wednesday, September 02, 2009
First Day Of School!
Who was in charge of getting kids in school before labour day? Pfft. I'm glad *I* am not in school. hehe! Here's how Hayden's first morning of Senior Kindergarten went off without a hitch!
Step 1: Look remarkably like daddy while asleep except not in the picture. Even though mommy took about 10 shots (with flash) trying to capture best what real life showed plainly.

Step 2: Get new Spiderman sac-a-dos (back pack) and walk out to meet bus with brother and photo-crazed mother.

Step Three: Let mommy take artsy photos while waiting for the bus.

Step 4: Shiver and goosebump with cold red noses in the only 9 degree celcius temperatures. Blame mommy for not getting your sweaters out yet.

And then meet a bunch of new amies (friends) and also know some people from last year. And voila! The perfect first day of school. Incidentally, there are THREE SK classes this year. Isn't that crazy?
Step 1: Look remarkably like daddy while asleep except not in the picture. Even though mommy took about 10 shots (with flash) trying to capture best what real life showed plainly.
Step 2: Get new Spiderman sac-a-dos (back pack) and walk out to meet bus with brother and photo-crazed mother.
Step Three: Let mommy take artsy photos while waiting for the bus.
Step 4: Shiver and goosebump with cold red noses in the only 9 degree celcius temperatures. Blame mommy for not getting your sweaters out yet.
Step 5: Pose for more pictures in front of the machines.
Step 6: Ham it up for mommy's camera. "Take a picture of me doing THIS mommy!"
Step 7: Have a laid back bus driver named Colin (pronounced like semi- or -oscopy) who's willing to DRIVE UP TO THE HOUSE!! WOOT! No more dangerous highway waiting!!
And then meet a bunch of new amies (friends) and also know some people from last year. And voila! The perfect first day of school. Incidentally, there are THREE SK classes this year. Isn't that crazy?
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