Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Day Two

Ok so I had to edit my settings. I'm sorry that I didn't notice how to do that before, but like I did mention in my first blog, I'm new at this. Now you don't have to be a member to leave a comment. Sorry 'bout those of you who did set up accounts. Thank you for the time and energy you spent on trying to tell me things! heh heh.

Day two of Hayden's New Bed Adventure didn't work out so well. Maybe it was sharing some icecream with him at 8:15pm, or maybe it was New Bed Anxiety, but Hayden and I struggled for half an hour from 9-9:30pm because he Just Didn't Wanna Lie Down. So we got up. We helped Jake put up a couple shelves in the living room. (Read: Hayden played with the plastic wrapping and I took it away from him, then he played with the brackets and I took them away from him, then he played with the bag of screws and I took that away from him, then he played with the tape measure and I took it away from him... etc.) They look really nice. Cleared up some clutter around the computer desk and CD rack. Nice. Anyway by 10:30pm Jake was done and thankfully got Hayden to sleep soundly (in about 10 minutes). Around 3:30am however, Haydo realized he was alone and cried. Jake went to settle him, but he was already stomping his way into our bedroom. Half a night is better than none, right? We have three weeks or so to get him used to it.................... gak.

I'm on my way to a glucose tolerance test this morning. The 75 gram one. Fast for 10-12 hours, get blood taken, drink an orange pop-like beverage, try not to puke, wait TWO hours, get blood taken again, hurry to the nearest Timmies for a bagel and milk, go home. I don't have any good books to read. All I've got is this BAD book to read. I didn't prepare well. WAHH!! But I should be going. Boredom Awaits!

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