Sunday, August 06, 2006

Sunday Night

I am blue, and freaking myself out with c-section research. My happy romantic natural childbirth dream is flying further and further away from me. I really wanted to do it myself this time. No induction drugs, no IV, no mean nurses.. and I thought I would be able to accomplish this with the midwife this time. And now the dream is gone, gone, gone, whoa-whoa.

Last Thursday my parents came over for dinner, and my dad took some pictures of us. Here they be.

I painted the frame of the new baby's dresser today, and just have the drawers left to do. We got some "oops" paint from Home Depot for only $3. It's blue. I've got some white to add for the drawers, so it'll be at least 2 tone, and I do have plans to try something cool. I'll post a picture of the finished product. Just because we're painting it blue does not mean we know it's a boy. We do not know the sex of the baby. I'm just willing to save money on someone else's rejects. (the paint I mean)

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