Monday, September 25, 2006

Herbs Work!

Just a quick note to say that fenugreek and blessed thistle really do increase milk supply! I started taking them on Saturday and I've already noticed a big difference. Why didn't I take these sooner? What was I waiting for? Anyway it's just in time because Sage is about to turn 6 weeks and will be starting his growth spurt soon.

My boobs even ache! Like, "gimme that baby to nurse because my boobs ache!" It's a terrific kind of hurt.

More later,


Anonymous said...

Yay!!! Are you still supplementing with formula?


Anonymous said...

Hey Jennifer,

I see your Wiccan Ways have done you well child. However, why just stop at increasing breast milk production... You could look into creating some herbal repelant to get rid of those mice you got visiting or an herbal potion to increaase your cats confidence and size so you have a huge Mouse Eating Monster Machine that's good with kids.

Just a thought :)