Jake's birthday is on the autumn equinox, and with that brings the end of another summer. Oh Danny boy, oh Danny boy I love you so.
My inner poet is trying to get out.
My mom read me a poem I wrote a lo-ong time ago that Carol quoted in a letter to my grandmother which my mother had saved. One of the lines I remember went "Sisters sisters sisters/They help you when you have blisters". What a great line. Although I don't really remember Carol ever really helping me when I had blisters, she's very dependable and helpful nevertheless.
Here's that poem revised for 2006:
Sisters sisters sisters
Sometimes help you when you have blisters
But if they don't
As sometimes they won't
Then they won't be allowed to play twister.

1 comment:
I don't want to play twister anyway. Pbbbbllllttt.
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