Monday, November 13, 2006

1000th VIsitor!

Well? who was it? Who was my 1000th visitor? Let me know because the parade marshal is standing by. If you don't show up by Monday night, then I will award the parade to the lucky viewer who was 1001th.

Let me know! Or not. Whatever :o)

PS Yes I am up at 5am this morning. I couldn't sleep after feeding Sage. I played in a poker tournament at Cranky Joe's last night and I keep reviewing my hands in my head. Not my fleshy hands, my cards. ya. It was so much fun! I'm going back next Sunday for more.

I just had some shreddies and hopefully I will be able to sleep now.


Anonymous said...

What is with all the Lambs sheep and Rams? mmmmwwwhhhhaaaaa I was your 1000th vistor and yes i have pictures to prove it!!! now if only i could get them off my camera.... but I have to say in celebration of your 1000th vistor it is fitting that you should put sheep on your blog!!

Anonymous said...

No, *I* was your 1000th visitor, and I have the screen capture to prove it! Ta daaaaaaah!!!! I win!!!

Anonymous said...

No way, I was the 1000th visitor, and the rest of you imposters are poopy heads.