I had my partner in parenting over today, and she brought the health unit's scale. Sage weighs 18 lbs 2 oz and Hayden weighs 31 lbs even. He lost a little more than 2 lbs while he was sick. I don't know what/if Sage lost weight while he was sick, but they both didn't eat very much during the worst part of it. I'm not worried though because they are both pretty much better and eating normally again. I have really noticed Hayden's weight loss, especially in his tummy and chest. His little ribs poke out now, and his diaper tabs are a lot closer together than they used to be. I did the math in my head (well I drew imaginary numbers on the arm of the couch) and figured out that 2 lbs out of 33 lbs is 16.5 % of his body weight. That's a lot for one week!
Hayden has been put to bed three nights in a row using my new method of leaving him to fall asleep on his own, and it's been working just great! He's even learned to say "night night" and it's so cute. Also today for the first time he said "love you" and it actually sounded like the words, instead of previously when he's said it, it only sounded vaguely like "ovveeeoo" and sometimes he'd leave out the V sound.
Sage was on his mat this afternoon and rolled onto his side, and over the course of about 20 minutes repeated the action so much he rotated in a complete 360 degree circle!
I have a great friend up in Yellowknife NWT (I've mentionned her before, Vanessa the Great) and she blogs as well. The other day she posted a photograph of the sun at noon, and sorry Vaness, I've stolen the picture to show here:

Isn't that awesome? First of all, it's a great picture. Second of all, the sky is so clear and the sun so bright, I can't believe that's noon! I wish I could experience it first hand. Last night I dreamed that I was up visiting her with my sister Carol and her sister Sarah, cuz the four of us girls as kids often hung out together and did cool stuff. Their brother James was also in my dream. He was driving the minivan that Sarah and I were riding in. I was asking him about his life, because I really haven't talked to him in a loooong time. One of the other mentionable parts to the dream was the sky, because it was gorgeous. It was night time and the moon was just a sliver of a cresent, but it hung so low in the sky that it was huge and a beautiful amber/gold. Also the points of the cresent came around almost to touch. It was very unusual and beautiful. Vanessa was showing us around her northern town, and we ate something yummy but I don't remember what it was. I wish I could go visit in real life. That would be awesome.
1 comment:
Vanessa The Great, huh? What an honour!
I think Sage and Rachel are neck and neck in terms of weight gain. Rachel is going for her 6-month shots on Tuesday, so we'll find out how close she is to the 18lb mark. I hope Hayden gains back his weight soon, poor little guy.
Love Vanessa
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