Sunday, January 07, 2007

The Long Walk (not by S. King)

Well it wasn't SO long, but it was 35 minutes or so! I'm feeling very pleased with myself. It was such a nice day today (+6 by my thermometer) I wanted to take advantage of it. My initial impulse was to take the whole fam damily on a super mega walk in a park my dad told me about some time ago and that I've been wanting to see, but it's a half-hour drive from here at least and plus Jake didn't feel like walking. I tried to recruit a friend to go with me so there would be one stroller per person, but the two I asked were busy. Then I decided to take Lacey for a walk just in our neighbourhood. I have a mental block against crossing the highway with babies in strollers, but I can say ok to taking the dog across. That's the only bad thing about our location, it's great cuz there's few to no neighbours to bug or be bugged, but to go anywhere by foot means crossing the highway, and cars are supposed to be going 60 km/h but it used to be 80 so they zoom past at close to 100 or more. Kinda scary on foot. It wasn't super sunny, there were even a few flakes just as I was getting home, but they didn't multiply... YET (knock on wood). Lacey was even good for me while walking. She didn't pull too much, and only tried to knock me off my feet once when she saw a little white snack-dog barking at her from his yard. I hope her toenails wore down a little. I used our retractable leash that my cousin gave me, and it was so much easier to walk her than if she were on her 6' leash. I also gave her coat a good brushing when I got back. Oh the hair that came off of her! No wonder it's everywhere in the house.

Now I feel like playing cards. Or reading. I'm about 4/5 done my dad's book, Supergiant. I can't wait to see what happens!

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