I got a call this afternoon, and the second Pennington's store is hiring right away. They want me in tomorrow for another interview! This would be a better store to work at anyway because it's way closer, and in the nicer weather I could totally walk there. I wouldn't walk in the wintertime not because of the cold, cuz I do get really warm while walking, but because of the snowbanks taking up the shoulder on the highway. I wouldn't feel safe without lots of distance between me and the traffic zooming by.
Since the lady who interviewed me before had a list of questions on a standardized form, I expect that tomorrow's interview will probably be the exact same one I just did Monday. If it's not I'll be quite surprised. But that's fine with me, because I aced the first one, and if it IS the same interview, it's not the same lady, so who cares if my answers repeat themselves!
Wish me luck again! 

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