Yesterday our friends Sabrina and Chris and their newborn Robbie came by for a visit. Lacey gets extremely excited when they come over. To say the least. Sabrina had JUST had her staples removed, so when Lacey unexpectedly jumped OVER the baby gate we have set up to confine her to the kitchen, all I could think of was to prevent the bitch from jumping up on Sabrina's tummy. I had very little time to act as the brown fur bolted past me. I reached out and actually congratulated myself on getting such a good grip on her collar in the few milliseconds that I was still upright. And then, because it's hard to stop a steam engine even IF you have a good grip on it's collar, Lacey the muscle brained ton of bricks simply kept going. I was pulled off ballance and actually dragged a little before my brain said "Let Go Of The Collar, Dumbass". I have to take a moment to thank the Fates, because I didn't land on Sage, who was right there on the floor. I did land square on my left knee tho, which had exploded in pain, so of course I was screaming and crying. It was very dignified to watch, I can imagine. Even though it hurt so much when it happened, there's not much bruising and I don't even have a limp. I can tell it's swollen when I touch it, and it feels bruised, but besides that and a little muscle soreness in the arm that grabbed her, I'm okay. Even tho it had a violent start, the rest of the visit was very nice.
Here's a very jaunty (not jaundicy) Robbie, tilting his cap for the camera. And is that a little smile I see?

Here are some pictures of the beautiful flowers Jake got for me on my birthday.

Doreen says: Oooh, I can relate to that. Mindi's poochies have knocked me off my feet on numerous occassions for a variety of reasons. There is just no graceful way to land when suddenly yanked off your feet by a frantic flying bundle of energy. There is a reason Tun is the first syllable of Tundra.
Hey now, leave my dogs out of this! :P
That picture of Robbie is VERY adorable. Oh my goodness! And the flowers are gorgeous. Makes me wanna pick up some fresh ones tmr just to brighten up the kitchen. :)
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