Me, so happy my mom's improving.

Sage with Cookie Face. We started giving him Farley Biscuits (infant cookies) and of course he's a mess, but a cute mess none-the-less.

Cookie goop everywhere...

Cookies, Day Two. Lesson learned: Use a drop-cloth to preserve the outfit.

omigosh, cutest baby ever! He is growing up so fast. He has a unique look to him, he looks a lot like Jennifer, but is his skin a bit darker? It's hard to tell until they get a bit more hair.
I give Rachel Farley's Biscuits once in a while, and they really are uber-messy. Even when I feed her cereal, I tie a dishtowel around her neck instead of a bib, because ultimately the food is everywhere. And I always forget and dress her up, then feed her, then I have to change her again (or hope that no one notices the dried squash on her pant leg.
-love Vanessa
So adorable! I love the big smiley face pic where Jake is holding him up in the air! WHEE! He's getting so big! :D
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