Gardening is HARD WORK, man.
I should've taken before and after photos, cuz the dirt and sod from the garden I am digging out at the front is filling the holes that Lacey dug at the side of the house. In one spot the hole was 18" at LEAST. We bought some "critter ridder" stuff to sprinkle on after I'm all done transferring dirt, but I didn't get done. It's supposed to deter dogs and skunks and other animals from digging. Wonder if it works. It was hella expensive! ($14) I worked for about 45 minutes digging and moving dirt around, and it was a workout for SURE. [Incidentally, if anyone knows why Curves isn't open on Sundays, could you tell me? Also if anyone reads this who has any clout with people AT curves, and could influence them to have it open on Sundays, that would be great. Thanks.] Since I don't have a wheel barrow, I used a lid to a fake rubbermaid bin which we don't use (the lid, not the bin) and piled the sod and dirt onto it and then pushed it across the lawn and gravel driveway with my feet. I used alternating legs and also alternated using my adductors (inner thigh muscles) and quadricepts (outer thigh muscles). Yahoo! Work in that resistance training! Most of the garden is dug out, just a little left to do, and then when I can (probably Tuesday after Jake gets home from work) I will go get some peat and poo (can't spell manure) and work that into the soil. I'm not going to plant yet, don't you fret, but my dad said it's good to give the peat some time to de-fluff (my word, not his) before I plant.
An update on my mom: She's doing well. They moved her to a nursing home "holding tank" at Laurentian Hospital. The floor she's on is not a hospital floor, it's a place for people who are waiting for beds at nursing homes. She might be there a short time, or a long time, depending on when a spot for her becomes available. It's a very large room, and it's nice. She's got a dresser and a bed-side table, and the wall behind her is purple! The other walls are off white and the curtains are a nice tangerine, and all together it's very soothing and calm. From her angle, she's got a beautiful view of the bricks of the building next to her *snort* but at least it's a big window and lots of light comes in. If she weren't limited by the fact that she needs the oxygen on that side of the room, if she changed sides, she would be able to see Ramsey Lake. But unfortunately the room's not set up for patients to be on that side. Too bad! She has a nice roommate, a lady named Margarite. The physical therapist said that as soon as my mom can stand unaided, and transfer herself into her wheelchair from her bed, she'll be taken to the hospital's POOL and they'll do aquasize with her! I couldn't believe the hospital has a pool, but they do! She's very excited about that, and it's a really good motivating goal for her to have.
WHY would they have a room set up so the patients could NOT see the lake. There is no greater therapy for me than watching the water. Its what gives me my deepest sense of peace.
Anyway I am so happy to hear she is improving. Give her my best wishes.
love Doreen
That's great that your mom is in a nice comfortable room now. And the aquatherapy sounds amazing. Speaking of which, although mildly hungover Saturday morning, I was so inspired by the weather that I opened MY pool! WHEEE! It should be ready to go by the end of this coming weekend, and then it's just up to the sun to help us out! :) YAY!
PS Sounds like your garden is coming along amazingly. And it is DEFINITELY good exercise. Prbly BETTER than Curves. So make Sunday your gardening day if they're too cool to be open on Sundays! :P
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