Ever see that commercial for Tomatos In A Bag? Jake and I want those. Tomatoes you grow indoors, in a bag you hang on the wall! Where pets can't get at 'em! Alas, they are an american product, and you can't ship soil and plants across the border. However, I was not about to be thwarted from tomatos for a second year in a row. I'd started a bunch of tomato seeds last year, but they died when they were a few inches high cuz I didn't know you had to KILL, er, I mean thin out, all but one of the seedlings in each peat pot. Anyway this year I know better. While researching a canadian version of the TIAB (tomatos in a bag) I found out that there is a hydroponic organic green n clean store right here in town, on Barrydowne! Hey that rhymes. My friend Sabrina and I were feeling equally green-thumby and we went there and bought a whack of supplies for our indoor gardens. We then went to the dollar store and got a large assortment of flowers, herbs, and veggies. I planted mine last night and I'm pretty proud of the fact that it looks so organized! Even if I only get ONE plant out of the whole deal, I'll be pretty stoked. I just hope it's a tomato......
Nice plastic dome, eh? It's 6" high so the seedlings can stay in there till they're bushy and tall, and the cat can't nibble on 'em. I have in the back row: coleuses, phloxes, petunias, periwinkles, and johnny jump ups. In the front row I have peas, tomatos, basil, mint, and garlic chives.

OOoohhhh! I'm so excited!
Whee! I'm excited too. I'd love to try it but don't have the space or the patience! LOL Know what this reminds me of? Remember when you lived in residence at Cambrian and I asked you what kind of plant you were growing in that cute little wooden greenhouse you had on your desk in your room? And you said, "Pfft, it's a frickin violet!" And I LMAO, only to find out that that's what I heard, but CLEARLY not what you said. Silly African Violet! :P She was a pretty little flower too. :) Ahhh, the memories.
Oh my lord that's funny. I TOTALLY remember that!
Kind of along the same lines as my sister's Frigid Toad story :oP
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