However, he also did something very odd late this afternoon. I've never seen him do anything like this ever before, which is why it was so surprising. Anya has arranged magnetic letters on the fridge into very straight rows, and I've seen her line up packages of baby wipes, but Hayden's never displayed a need for such orderliness.
Jake came home from work today at about 6pm. He took Sage into the bedroom to change his bum and to put him down for a nap. He said "what's with all these diapers?" From the living room I said "what?" He said "What were you doing with these diapers, Jennifer?" and I said "I wasn't doing ANYTHING with diapers, except changing bums.. why?" He said "Come and look at this!" I went into the bedroom and this is what I saw (we got Hayden to pose with them after I laughed my head off and grabbed the camera):

On another note, I baked cookies today. They've got walnuts and chocolate chips. I cut back on the sugar, but they're still very sweet, I should've cut back even more. I ate two before I piled them up like this and took a picture, which I thought was quite the coincidence since it made the perfect amount of cookies for a very orderly pile. (Maybe I'm a little obsessive compulsive too, eh?)

1 comment:
Mmmmm, deliciousness... those cookies look amazing! I want cookies now... *wonders if she has the ingredients*
xoxo Miss you.
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