Anyway for his first movie, he was a VERY good boy. First of all I was surprised at the prices, cuz I thought they were up in the $12 range, but $7.50 for me was a nice price. (We haven't been to a theatre movie in quite a long time.) The popcorn cost almost as much as the ticket tho. But I think it was good we had it, cuz the previews were so long, the popcorn helped Hayden stay seated and not get bored. He didn't get bored until about 2/3 of the movie was done. Then he got up and tried to walk down the stairs. I sat on the aisle seat and he was next to me. There was an empty chair beside his, and then a couple of women with a few kids down the row. I'd chosen seats that were more than halfway up the theatre, because I figured it might be easier for him to take it in if he could see it all at eye level. However, I didn't want him playing on the stairs in the dark. He wanted past me for a few minutes and then was content to stand beside my knee while he watched. Then he got distracted again and played with the seats that sproinged up when he flipped them down. I let him sproing his seat, but tried to stop him from sproinging the seat next to the lady. She was pretty good about it tho. She tried to strike up conversation with him, asking his name and how old he was. Of course he didn't talk to her, cuz he clams up when strangers talk to him. Then she asked him if he wanted to sit in the seat beside her, and he nodded and climbed up. He spent the rest of the movie there, watching the screen calmly. The only other thing that he did before we left was drink the rest of her juice box which she'd placed in the cupholder that he could reach. I hadn't noticed him taking it until I heard the slurping of the empty box. I apologized but she laughed and told me it was okay. I just hope she didn't have cooties.
I enjoyed the movie as well. I found the ogre babies looked just like Sage, which made me smile. Except for the green skin of course.

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