Hey. You know when you go to college for a few years and rack up a huge student loan and then end up not doing anything even remotely related to it, and you realize the years and money you invested were nothing more than a very fancy and complicated and expensive way of meeting people? I met excellent friends at Cambrian, and I don't mean to say I don't value having met them.. I just wish it could've been under cheaper circumstances. But I'm digressing.
Tonight, just now in fact, we got a knock on our door. Jake held Lacey back (but not too far back, just in case because he didn't recognize the guy knocking) and I approached the screen door. To my surprise there was a Deaf guy standing there whom I'd known from college. He had dated my friend Angela for a while, until she left him cuz he hit her or something. Or else he beat some other girlfriend up and was on trial for it.. or something. Or raped someone. Or Angela. Anyway he was a creep. And now he's on my doorstep. ASL rules flooded my brain. My vocabulary lists roared back to the front of my memory. I impressed him with my eloquent fingerspelling AND reciprocation of HIS fingerspelling - which incidentally I received all the while keeping eye contact with him as per our instruction oh so many years ago. Even tho Joe [teacher] was no where to be seen and if I'd stared right at his hand it would NOT have mattered. The exchange went like this:
guy: "I need in the gate" also speaking the words.
me: "No, closed. sorry."
guy: "I have a delivery for Thomas. You know asl?"
me: "A little bit. Owner (had to fingerspell owner, I forgot that one) doesn't live here. We rent."
guy: "They told me to deliver on Tuesday but I'm here and thought if I could open the gate I could just finish now. What time do they open tomorrow?"
me: "sorry. Open around 7am."
guy: "ok thanks. bye."
me: "bye."
And now I will repeat the whole conversation with elaborations and "what I should've said"s for the next two days.
1 comment:
EW! He is a total creep, jerk, freak who did nasty horrible things! I wouldn't open the gate for him either! LOL
BUT...congrats to you for your fine use of ASL and those memory skills. Maybe between that and making friends with me, all that money doesn't seem SO poorly spent after all! :D HAHAHAH!
Love ya.
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