It's been a while since I took (and posted) pictures of my garden. So here's the update!
Here's the spinach and a snail statue my dad gave me a few years ago. The plant on the very left is actually a second shoot which came up after the initial stem fell over. It looks like there's three, but the middle one is the first one which has uprighted it's growth again. I did plant three to begin with, but the third died on a particularly hot day. I initially started five, but a couple of the seedlings didn't survive.

My LOVELY tomato flowers. So many buds and flowers.. so many tomatos in my future....

I need a proper sized tomato cage now. I still have the little cage around this one. I hope I can get it off! But look how big and lucious it is.

My VERY zealous petunias. The one on the right has had many many flowers, and the one on the left has just been growing to HUGE proportions but no flowers until just recently. You can see the pink one, and there are a few more buds to bloom soon.

The Phlox (smaller dark green plant with lighter green stripes on the leaves on the very left) looks like it might grow a bud soon. The Morning Glories in behind the petunias are several inches high, but not tall enough to reach the strings yet.

Pea Plants. With peas on 'em! I've eaten 6 or 7 already. One is usually ready every other day. Yesterday there were two ready at once and I gave them both to my dad. They are SO sweet and delicious! I have started 4 more plants inside, in the hopes that I'll eventually get to eat more than one every other day :oP

The other half of the pea section. They're very clingy and are climbing each other as well as the strings.

I planted jump ups here, and also forget me nots. I'm pretty sure these are one of those two types. The weeds growing in this area look a lot different, and see how these are kind of in a line? That makes me think they're intentional. We'll just have to wait and see! It's been quite a while since I planted those two types, and nothing's happened for weeks and weeks. Until NOW!

My garden from the side. I'm so proud!
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