Waiting for their arrival in a clean living room.

Carol and I went through all my mom's stuff last night and this afternoon. Everything except the written memorabilia and photo albums. It wasn't as hard as I had thought it might've been, emotionally speaking. It was actually really nice to be able to take the important things home with me. And Carol and I didn't have any conflicts, except for the Pogo comic books which ended up going home with her (a decision which seemed to happen when my mind was otherwise occupied) and my mom's bongos which Carol had wanted, but when Jake saw them in their van, he asked her if he could have them since he's been wanting bongos for a long time. (Which is true.) She was fine with that. There were lots of things that we both wanted, but felt that as long as they stayed within the family, that was close enough to having them. I guess access to them at each other's houses was a very close second to owning them.
Late this afternoon, BJ and Jake went off to do some shopping and stuff, and Carol and I had the kids. We decided to go to the park which is about a 20 minute walk away from here so the kids could slide and swing and play. It was lots of fun! Sage had a great time in the swing, laughing his head off for 15 minutes straight, and then falling asleep pretty much all of a sudden. While still swinging! He was so cute slumped over, but I hadn't brought the camera because we were so laiden down with keeping after everyone, we didn't think we'd have time or hands for photo ops. Carol had a harness for each of the twins and so she and I each wore a twin. I pushed Sage in the stroller and Anya and Hayden walked, holding Carol's hands crossing roads and when there was no sidewalk. We were out for about an hour when we noticed that the few puffy white clouds had become plentiful dark storm clouds. I called home to see if the men were back to give us a ride. They were and we drove home to have supper.
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