And HERE is my domestic creation to beat all others! I made FROM SCRATCH a Peach and Raspberry Pie! The crust was fun. I've never made a pie crust before, but I inherited a pastry .. uh.. masher I guess, when my dad purged stuff from his kitchen. When I took it I thought it was a potato masher, oddly shaped. It's got a horizontal handle and attached to it is a horseshoe shaped band of metal. The band is divided into 4 or 5 blades at the bottom of the U. I saw Anna Olsen using one just like it on Sugar the other week and I said "hey! That's like my potato masher!" and then it occurred to me that I might be able to make pie crusts by hand too. I'd only ever seen them being made by food processor on tv before. And I don't have a food processor. The raspberries are from up the lawn, and the peaches were on sale at Food Basics yesterday, $2.88 for a whole basket. I had to do something with them today because they were very ripe. Jake can use the basket for blueberry picking (or raspberries now I guess, since it might be too late for blueberries.) Anyway take a look at my pie. I can't wait to dig into it after supper tonight!
Here's a closer look.. you can actually see the flakiness...
Incidentally if anyone wants to come over for pie.. you're quite welcome!
Holy hot damn that pie looks awesome! There is NOTHING better than all the delicious and beautiful fresh fruit out this time of year. I LOVE IT!
That is one FINE lookin crust!
That is one heck of a beautiful pie!
Wowzers! (It's me--evelyn)
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