I was fooling around with this virtual makeover website (
http://www.makeoversolutions.com/) and now I need people's opinion on some haircuts. Initially I chose the lighter hair colour because the background was so dark, I wanted to be able to see the hairdo. Then I sort of liked it this light. Maybe one day I will go "light ash brown".
I like the length of this one, and the layers, but I have thinner hair than this.
This one is my favourite.
This is for the short fringy bangs look.
This is for the crazy permed look.
And this one I clicked on the "Paris Hilton" button. 
It's hard to say...I think the Paris Hilton one really brings out your eyes... ;-)
The crazy permed look is actually one of the ones I like, but ugh, to go through all the perm process all over again...and then it never lasts more than a couple of months. Does anyone actually get their hair permed anymore?
I went for a PD day at James Brett salon. They did cut, colour and the whole nine yards...for FREE! And guess what, the top stylist who was helping all the staff actually recommended perming my hair. You should've seen the look I gave her! LMAO!
The Paris Hilton hair is hilarious on you, especially with the bright bluey-purple eyeshadow. But I like the one you called your fave the best as well. (Maybe cuz it's kinda what my hair looks like right now!! :P)
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