Hey Look. I'm posting something. Been a while, eh? My apologies for not getting around to my blog lately. You should all join Facebook. Then I wouldn't have to keep up with blogging AND facebooking. No just kidding. I love blogging. It's a lot freeer. How do you spell free-er? freer or freeer? or free-er. It's so much more free (ha there we go) than Facebook can be. Whatever. Actually the two of you who took the time to complain to me in person about my lack-of-blog-itis are both facebookers, so I guess it's not even a solution.
Anyway here are some recent pictures of kids and the kittens. (Kittens are 6 weeks old today.)
They still nurse a couple times a day, but Kitty is trying hard to wean them. This was their first meal. Orange didn't eat, but Grey dove right in, arms straight out sideways, face-first in his food. Eliza was more dainty and kept her arms neatly under her. Sleeping on a buckaroo hat from Sage's birthday.
hmm.. do I have room for one more crunchie?
I got the kids costumes from Wal-Mart a while ago, and tried them on today. The tiger suit is a little short, so before we take the tags off, we'll post an alternate costume option for him and you guys can vote on which is cuter.
Action shot of our toddling tiger.
Aw, I want a kitten. I like the pic of the grey one with "arms" spread wide, face in his food.
Aw, I want a kitten. I like the pic of the grey one with "arms" spread wide, face in his food.
I know I said this when they were first born, but I LOVE that grey kitten. OMG! Why are you so far away??? :(
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