my boys are starting to be boys >:( today (for the second time this week) hayden had a poop and took off his diaper in his room and he and sage got poop on themselves. i only found out because i heard hayden say "you poopy too sage". on tuesday the boys were quiet so we go check on them and sure enough sage had haydens diaper and there were poop clumps in various locations and then about an hour or two later they were quiet again and i go in there and they found some diaper rash cream and were on haydens bed wiping it on eachother and the walls and the bed so again we clean them up clean up everything else and as we are in the kitchen washing our hands and such i go back into there bedroom and damnit if hayden didnt find some baby powder and shook it all over himself and his brother and toys and carpet. it was three things within like three hours of us coming home from work. i dont want 'boys will be boys' boys. sage now climbs on the chair , the couch , haydens bed , and just about anything he can , and now he likes to go up to the tv and turn it off and on just like hayden used to love to do. i even have a hard time going into the back for a cigarette because hayden knows im gone for a few minutes and will get into stuff. the other day when i was smoking he got on the computer chair and reached on the top shelf of the desk and got a permament marker and wrote on the wall , the monitor , and the desk, this is something he has done a few times. but no doubt they can be good too like when being babysat they dont do any of that stuff and are pretty good for her. but there are days where they just drive us nuts.
Back to Jennifer (and Capitols)
Jake forgot to mention that same day with the poop, cream, and baby powder, Hayden came to supper without a diaper on and we didn't notice because his shirt was long, and a lot of times he takes his pants off and walks around with just a diaper and shirt. He was sitting at the table and said "I peed, Mommy" which he tells me a lot of the time too, and I say "It's okay honey, you have a diaper on. Next time tell mommy BEFORE you pee so we can go on the toilet." but this time I started to say that, and then I noticed the puddle on the floor and the chair. AND just before bedtime, he peed on his bed, so I had to change the whole thing when I was already tired and wanted to go to bed. So it wasn't three things, it was five things, and Tuesday was already a bad day because our babysitter told us in the morning that she was giving her two week notice, which made me cry because we've got no one else who could do it, so I panicked.. and THEN at work I had a rotten day with people yelling at me. Ug but Tuesday was a bad day all around.

oh my goodness! Those boys...I can't wait (not) for Katrina to get into things like that...aaah!
Haha! Oh the baby powder fight. I think ALL siblings go through that one at some point. Sorry to hear your Tuesday was so sucky. :( Hope the rest of your week has been better!
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