Well, the table that my friend Lori sold me years ago, the one for which I never did end up getting the leaf, the one that had a problem keeping its southwest leg attached, has gone. It has been replaced by none other than [da! da da DAAAA!] MY FAMILY TABLE!! My dad gave it to me because he decided to buy a smaller dining set for his new decor. Yahoo!
I told Carol that our dad was giving me his table and she said "You mean
The Table?" and I said "Yes.
The Table." The table that my parents bought (for a small fortune) after they were first married. The table on which I've had countless birthday cakes, family dinners, special occasion dinners, fights around, loving sing-alongs, arts and crafts, homework, card games, scrabble games, and that's not all. My Family Table is now My Table. I love this table. Do you know what I love? This Table. My Table! I am so proud to have this, now MY, Table. I treasure it. I love it. I promise to keep it clean and stab-free.
Sage sitting at The Table
Sage standing at The Table
Sage no longer standing at The Table after Mommy intervenes the dangerous activity.
I can remember lying on my back under the cross-bar, and reaching up with arms and legs to hang from that bar. I tried to show Hayden how much fun it was, but he didn't really get it. I even promised him chocolate and a story, but this was as close as he was going to give me...
for now.
Gratuitous shots of Sage and Me
This is Jake's Horse's Butt. He was the first one out of poker 2 sundays ago. He had 2 pairs. Someone chased a straight and got it, beating him.
It says "Sudbury's Ultimate Poker League Texas Hold'em Most Aggressive Loser Award March 2/08"
Here's a picture of when Sage bit me on the hand. Note the teeth marks.
I heard that!
Aww! Robbie is getting so big. Great gratuitous shots. They're all cute - especially LACEY! I haven't seen pics of her in a while. Congrats on getting the table. I believe I'VE had your bday cake on that table too! :D YAY!
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