Thursday, April 17, 2008

A-travelling we will go!

A-travelling we will go!
Hi ho the merry-o
A-travelling we will go.

Tomorrow is the day before we leave for the south and JAKE'S FAMILY!! and friends. I have a holiday, Jake's working and the kids are still going to daycare. It will be good to be alone and make my lists and pack and get things prepared. Then Saturday morning we're off like a herd of turtles driving 6 hours to Niagara Falls. We're going to stay on the Canadian side overnight, at Clifton Hill. We'll walk by the falls if it's warm enough, to see them lit up at night. We'll have supper and then one of us and the boys will go 'home' to the hotel while the other goes to the CASINO!! After an hour (or less if the money runs out), that person will come home and then the other one will get to go. We haven't decided how much we're taking yet. I personally can't wait to play with cards and chips on a real table in a real casino!

Sunday we'll drive 6 hours to Pennsylvania, and have supper at Rhiannon's. We're staying in PA until Thursday morning, when we'll leave for Viriginia Beach, 7 1/2 hours away. We'll stay at Jake's parents until Tuesday and drive 3 1/2 (or so) hours to Manassas to visit Jake's sister Cybil. We'll stay at her house that night and leave the Wednesday morning for Johnstown again (3 1/2 ish hours). A few more nights in Johnstown and then Saturday morning pack up and head back to Niagara Falls. Well, Welland Ontario, which is 20 minutes outside of Niagara. Our friend Julie lives and teaches there. We'll get in a short but sweet visit with her and then Sunday take the last leg home.

Barring any traffic jams or 4 hour slowdowns on the highway (which we encountered last time we drove back from VA Beach to Johnstown), it will be a minimum of 39 hours' driving. We have a lended DvD player for the van, and plans for loads of snacks and toys and stickers and CDs of kids' music to distract them. And hopefully we've chopped it up enough that the driving won't be unbearable by the end.

Well, off to make some lists. I may be able to blog while I'm away, but in case not, take care and see you when I get back, with LOTS of pictures!


Carol said...

You've probably already thought of this, but bring the "cup" out of the potty for Hayden to go in, in case of emergency. That and a roll of toilet paper.

Also lots of tylenol, for you. Small kids in the car can make for a lot of headaches. :)

Have a good trip!

MC said...

Wowsa! Sounds like you have an amazing trip planned! And I think you've done a great job of breaking up the legs of travel for the kids so it shouldn't be entirely unbearable by the end! I've got my fingers crossed for good weather, good traffic, and good behaviour (on all parts *wink*) for you!!
Have a great trip and travel safe. Keep in touch and send updates if you can!