Has had an earache since 3am Saturday morning;
Screamed his head off at the clinic this evening only to be told it is viral and to tough it out;
Got a haircut on Thursday by yours truly which is quite short due to a trimmer accident;
Has 6 new pairs of tighty whities and tomorrow the plan is to have no pull ups!
Also has a short hair cut, but there were no accidents on his head;
Is developing his language and now can say Milk quite clearly, as well as Hat, Cheese, Eyes, Ouch, Ow, Hey, Whee, Mine, Me Hat (sentence?!) and more;
Is down to one binky (see Tilly's update)
Was not grumpy yesterday morning or this morning, even tho both days were early ones;
Has to tuck his sweater into his track pants to help keep them up;
Bought the kids a little tikes Play Centre with slide and helped set it up yesterday.
Was VERY grumpy this morning (see Kitty's update);
Helped set up the Play Centre and likes using the cordless drill;
Is mad at the doctor at the clinic who said Hayden's ear is viral;
Will be digging her garden beds tomorrow!
Still pees and poos on the carpet, but not in her crate;
Has destroyed only 2 things so far: both of them Sage's Binkies;
Has been with us exactly one week today;
Is a bundle of fun!
Went into labour last night at 12:30am but stopped at 4:30am;
Wouldn't stay in the nice nest I made for her;
Took 18.5 hours to deliver the first kitten (today at 7pm);
Has had 3 kittens so far, and I think that might be it (over 2 hours later, no new kittens for an hour and a half);
Will be getting spayed in exactly 8 weeks because I'm not going through this again.
Are so cute;
Two boys, one girl, all differently coloured;
Girl is gorgeous dilute calico just like her mommy only more spotty;
Boy One is mostly solid light orange or tan;
Boy Two is white with dalmation black spots and quite distinctive!