is what I googled to try and find out what kind of bug my dad had taken home from my lawn. My sister was on the phone with me, and we had a good time laughing at all the gross bugs we were coming across before I ended up trying this particular search. Lo and behold, the bug in question was on the first page of images! I could not believe it. More laughing at the outrageousness of the search criteria coming up with the right bug. Accurate description, no? Anyway here it is. I dare you to go to this website and not get heebie geebies from the eyes and hairy legs. The picture I'm putting here is nothing compared to the picture on the website. You have been warned.

Oh and incidentally they're called Giant Water Bugs, or "Texas Size Toe Biter" and they eat FISH and tadpoles and snails. And apparently it really hurts when they bite you. No shit, Sherlock.
Later in my conversation with Carol, Tilly came along and was biting my feet and toes. Carol dubbed her Tilly Toe Biter. If I could get this bug out of my head then I think it would be cute.
Ewwwwwwwwwww! I hope I never see one for reals.
WHOA! That thing is hideous. I will not accept your dare. I will not visit the website to look at legs and hairs and other such ewwy-gooey-grossness! LOL
They're neat bugs. Voracious predators. A lot of fun (and easy) to keep in captivity, and will eat anything they can catch, including the end of your finger, if you're not careful.
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