A robin in Linda's garden.

Scott, Linda, and Hayden in the dining room.

While we were there, Gramma Gouchnour celebrated her 86th birthday. We got her a cake and she was touched.

Trying to get a good picture with they boys and Nanna. The Collie and Sheltie (Santana and Casper) help keep everything organized.

This was not going to be a good photo op. But it was a funny one.

We went to the actual beach once. Sunday night. 8pm. Dark. Rainy. Oh well.

Wind helped Sage's hair look cool.

I was in the water. See? It wasn't even bitterly cold.

Jake let Sage stand in a wave. He held his hand so he wouldn't fall over.

I let Hayden stand in a wave. I did not hold his hand. He fell over.

Lenny and Scott didn't fall over, even though they weren't holding hands. I love Hayden's ghosty little expression in the corner there.

Linda loves taking her dogs to the beach. And her family.

Lenny and Linda getting along.

A rose that Linda gave me but I couldn't take across the border. She was also going to give me that ivy clipping but again, can't take plants across the border. I like this picture though.

On our departure day, the boys decided to co-operate and give a good picture with Nanna.

Saying goodbye to Gramma Gouchnour.

On the way back to Johnstown we stopped in Manassas and visited with Cybil and her family. Husband Ed and stepson Quenton. I was going to crop this picture, but left it as it was so you could see how very large her living room is. I took this picture from a facing couch.

Hayden loved Quenton. He's copying the exact way Quenton is sitting.

Sage making his bird face.

Hayden's pulling on his mouth and eye. Auntie Cybil looking lovely. Her baby girl is due at the end of June.

Sage practiced stairs at Auntie Cybbie's house and then perfected them at Auntie Rhi's.

Auntie Erica was at Rhiannon's when we arrived back in Johnstown late Monday night. She had her daughter Emily with her.

All the kids (yes, Jake is in there too). Rhi said "KOLTON! Stop pulling your lip and take a nice picture!"

The Nice Picture.

Very Cute Picture of Judge the Rottweiller.

Kaylynn in the birthday present I got for her.

I shortened the straps so it fits better now. Tiny little Princess :)
Aw, what a cutie. Love the dress. I'm glad you all had a nice time. Thanks for the pictures!
Hahaha at the waves. LOVE the outfit you bought for that cute little munchkin, and those Rotty eyes remind me of Tundra. So pretty!
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