I love NPH. Carol recently posted a post about Dr Horrible, this 42 minute internet movie that they wrote and shot while the writer's strike was on. It's a musical. It's awesome. It stars NPH. And as of TODAY it's no longer viewable in Canada for free. WAAAAHHH!! I am on vacation this week and yesterday I watched it twice and my favourite songs I watched more than that. And today when I had some free time and wanted to hear Neil sing to me some more, I was DENIED. It was awful. Luckily I found it on YouTube, but it's poor quality because someone used a video camera to record their computer monitor. Oh well. I'll have to get the DVD when it comes out, which apparently will be sometime before January. yay *waves flag with little spunk*
So my dad and us Husses went to Killarney on Monday. It was a great day for it, sunny, hot, not crowded. Here are the pictures my dad took. (I forgot my camera in North Bay on the weekend.)
Just after a feast of awesome fish and chips THANK YOU DADDY! And incidentally no kids fell into the water, although we did look down and tried to see if we could see fish. All we saw was seaweed.
A beautifully calm lake. Too bad we didn't have swimming suits. It would've been great! My dad said he was here before and the waves were 3 feet high. You can see the open waters of Georgian Bay and Lake Huron from the rocks we're on.
I made him point. There was nothing there, just the aforementioned open waters.
Jake and Sage hung back so that no little ankles got twisted on the uneven walking surface. There were also lots of 'tide pools' that were ripe for falling into (but weren't).
Purdy. Jake's pants are slightly visible in the centre of this picture.
A stinky flower. Pretty tho.
At the lighthouse. Hayden and Grampa went all the way up. The way got a little steep for me and Jake and Sage.
So pensive is he, my boy.
LOL I love this picture. It looks like he's looking at that big cloud.

I love how his legs are sticking straight out in front of him.
My dad was impressed that he stayed where he told him to stay. Good thing because when they came down the mountain, my dad said "now some of these pictures look a little precarious... but not to worry." LOL I think he meant these. Gulp.
Oh whew, not so precarious after all. Still a LITTLE precarious though.
My Mom had pictures of my siblings in similar poses as Hayden on the rocks. My Dad was a game warden there and the family actually lived there for a spell. For me it was only 5 months. And thats how old I was too so I dont remember other than from pics. And we did go back for a visit about 30 years ago and they showed me where things were.
Loved seeing these pics.
I love these pics too! Killarney looks so beautiful. I think next summer Mom, Ryan and I are going to have to do some camping there!!
Ahem, cough.
Anything new? Pictures from last weekend's party, perchance?
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