Our luxurious travel mode: school bus. We did not sing. But we made fun of the short people who you couldn't see over the extra tall seat backs, heightened for childrens' safety. This photo Cindy, Annan, Sylvie.

Teri Mai, Lisette, and the top of Christine G's head.

Helen's back and Gisele's peek-a-boo.

Arriving at the meeting room. Jim is pensive in the foreground. Denny and Derek discuss something midground. Gisele Teri Mai and Cindy walk up in the background.

Annan stopped to let me take his picture, and Helen thought she was quick enough to escape my shutter. Not so! :)

I don't know why I was standing at the door while everyone arrived, but I did. This is Nursing Manager Colleen and Sylvie.

The group! 21 of us. The flash went off and it wasn't strong enough.

Without the flash was better.


My room. COMFY bed. Oh my goodness. It was like sleeping in a hug.

Team Building Exercise. We had the choice of picking kayaking, hiking or sailing. Sailing was least strenuous, therefore that was my choice :)

Me sitting on the little raised part of the stern. Linda MacDonald sat back here with me. She would later save my life several times.

Gisele has a fear of water. This was a great step for her.

We were still at the dock, Teri Mai and some others came by to say goodbye while on their way to Kayaking.

Still docked... Angie in yellow, Annan, and Brenda beside him.

David the Sailor Man shows us how to wear the lifejackets if we wanted to wear one. Gisele did.

Sailing!! We toured around Killarney bay and Eileen there in the white hat and her husband David told us all about the land and old buildings and stuff.
Gisele was showing off her comfort level by removing her lifejacket and then even standing up. I pushed her one step further and said she should stand on one leg. Which she did. Very obliging lady :)
Sailing Wing and Wing: both sails open in opposite directions in order to maximize the wind directly behind us.

Cute little lighthouse in front of the quartz rock mountains.
30 years ago the water was at the level you can see on this rock. People are concerned.
Homes on these islands can cost $1 M to build, not including cost of the materials.
Gisele was given the oportunity to DRIVE the boat! She was good at it. Didn't crash us or anything.

Can you see the old indian face profiled in these rocks?

The indian face from straight on.
Leaving the face.

So relaxed is Linda, with her warm cup of coffee.


Natural pose.

I wanted to capture how angled the deck was when we got going faster. This was not even as tilty as we were going to be.

We have recovered from almost sliding right off the deck. We banked so steeply I swear the deck was at a 45 degree angle. We went into it so suddenly that Linda and I were sliding and seriously almost fell in. I was trying to get my foot against the little lip on the edge of the deck, but I got a rope instead. Linda saved my life by taking my camera from me so I could use both hands to get to a safer place. Even then, you can see me here holding onto my only handle, that little lip.

Angie and Gisele had the best seats during the extremly tilty time.
Gisele never saw a gas pump on a dock before and made me take this picture.

A spare tire on the tracker, a spare boat on this yacht. I thought it was funny.

Party Thursday night. Teri Mai is "rolling down the river" with Tina Turner.
Jim and Lisette rock out.
Karaoke and fun in the boy's Chalet. We didn't know how many mice were here too until Denny felt one on his back at 4am in his bed. YIKES.
After the Karaoke, the guitar sing-a-long. Complete with songbooks!
Yves from Ottawa and Christine B singing so nicely.
No no no! You can't move the King like that!

That is a legal move.

Derek having a hang-over.

Did we dwink too much wast night Dewek?

Captain Morgan and Colleen laughing.

Pretty little petunias. The flowers were about the size of a dime.

Day Two and our mascot was discovered taking a nap in the window. Gisele, Cindy, Teri Mai, and Lisette investigate.

He was named Bloody the Bat.

All 21 of us, just after we finished all the work. I asked some guy to take this picture. I love Jim's Michael Jackson pose.

A more serious picture. YAY! What a great two days!!

1 comment:
Wow! That was a great trip! How was your first night without any of the boys? Looks like fun. I love the Indian rock!!!
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