A couple weekends ago my dad and us went to Fielding Park to feed the ducks and walk around and play on some playground stuff. And that's almost exactly what we did. Here we are walking.
Different ducks, just as snobby. They're all swimming away to that same group of kids with the white bread. Note all the ignored stuff we threw in.
Action shot of Hayden sliding down the slide.
Yep! It was fun!
Climbing the equipment.
"Hey I thought we were going to slide down side-by-side!"r
Teeter Totter Tots and Daddy/Grampa/Boppa
My pea plants are STILL flowering and making big peas, even though we've already had at least one frost. Next year I'll definitely start them ON TIME.
Both the kids and I luurve fresh peas.
I had to fend off many hands in order to take this picture.
This picture was from a week or so ago. Since then the plants have become so top-heavy that my flimsy little dowels that I gave them have all broken or popped out of the ground and the whole thing is now sprawled on the ground. Next year I will have a MUCH weightier support system for the peas.
My watermellon flowered.. a couple days before the first frost. LOL I don't think I'll be getting a watermellon this year.
My tomatos! I've since harvested them and have a gazillion green ones and 3 or so red or turning-red ones. I have one for breakfast every day. They are SO tastey!
PUMPKIN!! I had two but the other one isn't growing very well. I have mildew and didn't catch it in time to save the life of the pumpkin. I thought it was dirt. Next year I will know better.
1 comment:
Tilly on the slide is soooo cute!! And so is Sage! :D
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