Monday, November 24, 2008

Cup Cakes and Snow Flakes

I was sent this recipe through email, and tried it. It actually works! I had to change the quantities a little to fit into a regular sized mug, but this has been tested and makes a GREAT single serving of cake. It's called Danger Cake because a great warm piece of cake is now only 5 dangerous minutes away.

Danger Cake
3 Tbsp flour
2 1/2 Tbsp sugar
2 Tbsp cocoa
2 Tbsp milk
2 Tbsp oil
splash of Vanilla
3 Tbsp chocolate chips
Most of one egg (I buy gigantic 747's and one is too much. Usually they have 2 yolks, so I'll put in one yolk and 2/3 the white. If you buy Extra Large eggs or smaller, I think one would be fine. Test it out. Let me know.)

Sift dry ingredients together into a coffee mug. Stir with a fork until well blended. Add egg and mix it in. Add the rest of the wet ingredients. (Don't miss any corners!) Add the chocolate chips. Microwave for 3 minutes. Turn it out onto a plate and enjoy!

You will notice the chocolate chips have sunken down to the bottom of the cup, and make a lovely lava-ish icing sort of when you turn it upside down. Also I use an extra large cup for the orginial recipe (4 tbsp flour, 4 tbsp sugar [I cut this down to 2.5], 2 tbsp cocoa, 3 tbsp milk, 3 tbsp oil, 1 egg, 3 tbsp choc. chips, splash vanilla). I made the one I listed above and then put it into two cups for Hayden and Sage's cakes in the picture.

patient boys

chocolate boys

Hayden says "cheese and pickles" now instead of smiling.

And today it started snowing beautiful fluffy packing snow! I had made a promise to myself (after seeing Mr Snowman on Yellowknifer's blog) that the first packing snow snow fall I would make a snowman with my boys. Unfortunately my work day ends at 5pm and it was already dark by the time I got home. That didn't matter to me, however. After supper I dressed the boys and myself and we tromped outside to make a snow man! Hayden named him Snowy. I did almost all the work. It's hard work making a snowman! And we only had baby carrots for the nose.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Secret blog from work

Hi. Psst.

Sorry, that should be: Psst, hi. I'm blogging at work on a break. It ends in 3 minutes. Just wanted to say how much I love Dr Horrible and my DS (dear sister) sent me a link to the SHEET MUSIC!! AAAAHH!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Jake Has Landed!

Today was a momentous day in the Huss Family North. Jake and I had an appointment with the immigration officer downtown Sudbury, and after a 14 second interview (it really was only one question: has Jake been charged with a criminal offence since he's been here in Canada -no-) was congratulated with the status of Permanent Residence!!!! TADAAAAA!! A mere 5 1/2 years after he got here, he's become a permanent resident. No more work permits or visitor's permits, yearly applications for renewals of said documents, yearly fees for said applications, no more wondering when things will be finalized, no more pencils no more books, no more government dirty looks! Well, that's not entirely true. The permanent residence card needs to be renewed every 5 years, for the low low cost of $50. However, he might apply for citizenship, which he can do in 2 years. He was given one year off the usual wait time of three years because he's been here for 5 1/2 years already. Before today, he's always said he didn't want to become a citizen because when we read the literature, you had to give up your former citizenship to become a Canadian citizen. In the past two years, they've changed the rules and NOW you don't have to renounce it. He can become dual citizen! That would mean all three guys in my family would be dual citizens and I would be the only girl and the only single citizen. Well, that's not entirely true either. The cat and dog are girls and single citizens too.

So crack open the champagne (coke-a-cola) and celebrate with us!

Oh and an annoying thing the officer informed us about was that Jake's work permits would've allowed him to apply for a HEALTH CARD years ago. Oh well. Good thing nothing medical happened.

Friday, November 07, 2008

Halloween Pictures

Better late than never, right? Here are Husses' Halloween (p)Hotos:

Pumpkin Carving. Note the look of disgust on Hayden's face.

Which then turned to curiosity.

Trepedation at putting the hand into the pumpkin.
Fears conquered! The hand is in by a few centimeters!
The Brother's Hand follows suit.
Together they entered the pumpkin fully.


Our dog Tilly. For size check.

North Bay Trick or Treater Group
Through the Haunted Fire Hall ('Casper' was the safety word so the zombies waved instead of grabbed).

Cat in the Hat held Dinosaur claws in front of many Jack O Lanterns.
El Lunar Observito Bambito
My lovable little creatures walking down the street.
Treats!! "With eyes as large as saucers..."

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Teri-Mai's Birthday

Today is Teri-Mai's birthday. In her honour, Hayden and I made a little something. I hope she enjoys it!