Better late than never, right? Here are Husses' Halloween (p)Hotos:
Pumpkin Carving. Note the look of disgust on Hayden's face.

Which then turned to curiosity.

Trepedation at putting the hand into the pumpkin.

Fears conquered! The hand is in by a few centimeters!

The Brother's Hand follows suit.

Together they entered the pumpkin fully.


Our dog Tilly. For size check.

North Bay Trick or Treater Group
Through the Haunted Fire Hall ('Casper' was the safety word so the zombies waved instead of grabbed).


Cat in the Hat held Dinosaur claws in front of many Jack O Lanterns.

El Lunar Observito Bambito

My lovable little creatures walking down the street.

Treats!! "With eyes as large as saucers..."
Rachel had that exact same "wide-eyed" look on her face! Total incredulity of the sheer number of "treats" in front of her.
I love all the costumes but your zebra was my fave and thing 1 and thing 2 made me lol!
Little Miss Tilly Pants is getting so big too! She's adorrrrable! :D
Miss you guys and gals.
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