Monday, March 23, 2009

Why I Quit Facebook and Other Stories

I guess I owe my fans (fans? or readers? readers.) I mean readers an explanation as to why I quit Facebook. Because I wanted to. I didn't know BJ joined facebook. I thought he would've been like you, Carol, all untrusting and stuff. Facebook was good while it lasted. I reconnected with a whole whack of people I never would've reconnected with, except if I bumped into them in Yorkdale Mall at Christmas time. Which is how I reconnected with Iris from highschool. But we can't all be at yorkdale mall looking in the right direction at the right time in the right overly crowded corridor of the right wing of the right big ass mall ALL THE TIME. So yay for Facebook. I got to know a few people from my teenage years a little better (Christopher W.C. for example) and made new friends (Cathy L for example) and chatted with old friends and updated the world on what I was feeling at any given moment. But I was not happy. Jennifer was not happy with the voyeuristicness of Facebook, amongst other things. They change the format very frequently. Why are they messing with it so much? They need more change control. At my job, it takes months, nay YEARS to get things changed. No that's not true. But it feels like it. I felt like a lot of the control I thought I had was not had, over privacy mainly. I hated getting 20 invites to dumb applications a day. I hated being invited to join all these worthy causes, and being made to feel that if I didn't join, I would've then personally and single-handedly PREVENTED the cure for breast cancer, or cauliflower ear, or whatever. Plus there was that article that Carol showed me about the terms and conditions of FB that were in such fine print, who in their right mind would have time to read such a long and tiny fonted bore-fest? But apparently Facebook owns everything you upload, write, create, read, publish, or even think of. Forever. You can't delete your profile, you can only deactivate it. It is still there. Along with all your photos, thoughts, blogs, comments, etc etc etc. Which they now own. So goodbye yellow facebook.. side blog. See next paragraph.

Um.. has anyone ever read the lyrics to Good Bye Yellow Brick Road by Elton John? here they are:
When are you gonna come down
When are you going to land
I should have stayed on the farm
I should have listened to my old man

You know you can't hold me forever
I didn't sign up with you
I'm not a present for your friends to open
This boy's too young to be singing the blues

So goodbye yellow brick road
Where the dogs of society howl
You can't plant me in your penthouse
I'm going back to my plough

Back to the howling old owl in the woods
Hunting the horny back toad
Oh I've finally decided my future lies
Beyond the yellow brick road

What do you think you'll do then
I bet that'll shoot down your plane
It'll take you a couple of vodka and tonics
To set you on your feet again

Maybe you'll get a replacement
There's plenty like me to be found
Mongrels who ain't got a penny
Sniffing for tidbits like you on the ground

I feel like I've got to take drugs for these words to make sense. Yellow Brick Road is an allusion to the Wizard of Oz, which is in Gay circles the Movie to beat all Movies, and anything referencing the movie is hinting gay hints. So considering that Sir Elton is gay, and that this song was put out before he was (haha - I don't know if that's true or not, because I don't know when he came out of the closet but it sounded funny) but it still doesn't make sense. Putting gayness behind him? Like, trying to be straight? Was he? But those sunglasses.. those suits.. who was he kidding? Anyway side blog now over.

I'm going to bed.


Anonymous said...

Congrats on ditching the yoke around your neck! :)

That was another reason I left. It took up too much d*mned time. I would sit there and peek into people's lives, and hope they were peeking into mine, and check every five minutes to see if they had left me a note. I still do that with my blog, to some extent. But not as much. :)

That is also why I am staying far far away from Twitter...

Now that BJ's lost his job however, Facebook is useful for making connections and networking. Plus it sort of counts for experience towards his job.

Anyway. Don't take drugs. They're bad for you. :)


Hussicots said...

What's Twitter? And no, I don't take drugs :) They're bad, mm'kay!

Vanessa and Shane said...

Well, from what I've heard, Twitter is the new Facebook. And I have to agree, aside from a few people I've reconnected with, Facebook is getting kind of boring. Once you've said, "oh, yeah, hey I remember you." to a few people, you realize that you never really liked them that much anyway. Then you are stuck watching their newsfeeds: "Megan is getting ready to take the kids to the park!!!!!!" woo.
I think that I was getting a little addicted to reading the newsfeeds and I am finding it a bit depressing. More and more I am clicking on the button that says "Receive less information about this person". And yet I can't let go...yet. So I applaud you and I hope I have the strength to deactivate my account, too.
Love Vanessa

MC said...

LMAO!! Oh Jennifer. Oh Elton. *thinks and giggles and thinks some more*