Friday, April 10, 2009


Last week Hayden came home saying "ketonkatoo aujourdhui". I said "pardon?" and turned my child's phonetical mispronouncing french filters on. "Ketonka too aujourdui!" he said again. Then: "Il fait froid!" and made shivery arms. OHHH! Quel temps fait-il aujourdhui! What is the weather like today! Il fait froid. It is cold. I said "il fait froid et il fait du neige." (It is cold and it is snowing) He said it back. Neige. Very french accentish too. Nayeeggeee. Two syllables. I say it in one. But I'm from Toronto. Every day he asks me ketonka too aujourdhui, and every day I repeat it back properly, then he says it's cold. Today was very sunny. Today I said "il fait du soleil". He liked that one. His face lit up. I think he remembered it from class because he got it right away and knew what it meant. He also knows Il fait du vent. It is windy. Yay! He learned something! He can also count objects in french. Like, pointing to each of the 9 pies in Harold's Purple Crayon and counts them in french. Not just rhyming off a memorized list of sounds.. actual comprehension. I'm so glad. Yesterday afternoon I heard some numbers past 10 come out of his mouth, but he hasn't gone past 10 for me directly yet. When he sings the Alphabet song in french, he gets all the letters right except he adds Y in English after he says it in french. "Koo, ere, ess, tay, oo, vay, doobluh-vay, eeks, egreck, why ay zay... " I just discovered that it's fun to spell out how letters sound.

I'm so amazed at child development. It's astounding what has to take place to become an adult. It's a wonder any of us get here. I said that as if I've completely grown up. Nope.

1 comment:

Min said...

Oh Jennifer! Priceless... you said it best there!! Adulthood is too much damn work!