Last night we had some excitment around here. Kitty was outside and it was proba

bly around 8:30pm. Kids were in bed. We had the front door open because it was really warm, so just the screen door was closed. There was still plenty of light in the sky. Jake and I were watching the finale of American Idol (I'm mad about the winner, but that's a different blog that I probably won't write) when all of a sudden we heard a lot of really loud squeaking. I said "Kitty probably got a bird, or it's trying to distract her from one of it's babies" in the way that birds do, faking a broken wing away from it's little babies so the hungry hunter doesn't get them. Jake looked outside and said "She's got a baby bunny!"

I got up to look and Jake held Tilly back while I went outside. I didn't want her to kill the baby of the bunny that lives around here. I have pictures from earlier this spring when the bunny moved in. I may post them soon. Or not. Anyway when I got outside, I was expecting something completely different from what I encountered.
Here I was thinking Kitty would be holding down a bunny, all ferocious and killer, b

ut what I saw was Kitty running down the yard towards me, the momma bunny chasing her! She was (forgive me) 'hopping' mad. (hehehe!) The bunny didn't even stop or run away when she saw me. She even kept coming. Kitty was by this time hiding behind my legs, and I thought, oh no, I'm going to get bitten by an enraged rabbit! But she stopped and just stared at me. Then she hopped to the left of the yard, turned around and watched us again. Kitty took a few steps away from me, back in the direction she'd come, but the bunny hopped in three long leaps to block her path. All the way across the yard! In three leaps! I was amazed. The side view of a bunny hopping with all her strength is amazing. Such a tiny body can stretch out REALLY long. Kitty turned around again and skuttled back to the safety of my legs. I picked her up and turned to go inside. The bunny retreated up to where the apple tree is, turned around, gave us the finger, and hopped away. We went inside.
I think this bunny's cousin guarded the caves of Kyre Banorg. The entrance to t

hat cave is guarded by a creature so foul, so cruel that no man yet has fought with it and lived! Bones of four fifty men lie strewn about its lair. So brave knights who doubt their courage or strength shouldn't go there, for death awaits them all with nasty big pointy teeth.
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