The kids are sick. Veeeerry sick. Sage started throwing up Friday night and didn't keep a drop or crumb in all weekend. I called Teleheath (registered nurse's advice over the phone) and since she described some things that his throw up wasn't, we were fine with her advice to just treat him at home and give 2 tsp of water every 10 minutes for 8 hours, then bland foods if he keeps that down. Then a few hours later he threw up something that the nurse had asked about, coffee grounds, and I called her back. It's coffee grounds now, should I be more worried? Defcon two? I had a different nurse that call and she said yes, I should bring him in to emergency within the hour. She was going to fax them a copy of our conversation. So I took his little self to emerge and we were there for 6 hours. The night before my first day back to work after being off for my sore back. Six hours in waiting room chairs. Well sorry no. That's an exaggeration. The last 45 minutes we were in a little room and there was a gurney. But the other 5.25 hours I sat in a chair holding sleeping weak little Sage. He was so tired with this flu that when walking from his bedroom to the living room he'd stop in the hall, kneel down, put his head on the floor and pass out. Or at the table. Or in the middle of the living room. He was falling asleep anywhere. At the hospital, this was good because it meant I didn't have to wrangle him. But I did have to hold him. And his breath wasn't amazing. So when we saw the doctor, she asked some questions, probed his tummy, checked his ears mouth eyes and diaper, and good news - he wasn't dehydrated and she didn't feel anything hard in his tummy. So she said give him 2 tsp of watered down juice every 15 minutes. We were out of there around 2am.
So monday I returned to work for the full day. I had 389 emails. When I got home, my back was sore and Sage was no better. Still crying for water in his heart-wrenching way "waaater.. waaaater" and still sleeping all over the place. A few hose-downs were necessary for some messy other accidents, the details of which I spare you. Tuesday I went to work again and talked to HR about modified hours, so I don't over do it. This was approved by my manager and the rest of the week I'm working 1/2 days. Next week is to be determined. When I got home, Sage was actually chipper, and was awake the entire afternoon until bedtime! Dramatic improvement. And then late last night Hayden started to throw up. And the other thing. The other thing in bed with me. I got home today and Sage was not over throwing up. It's kind of miserable in here. Jake and I are just waiting for our turns with ominous dread. I'm washing my hands so much it hurts.
For my back, I'm going to a chiropractor tomorrow and a physiotherapist at the end of the month, both services for which I have coverage from work benefits.
I'm tired. I'm cranky. I'm sore. And tired. And fearful of when and where the flu will hit me.
Poor little guys. We just got another hand washing note from the school, so I'm assuming it's going around here as well. Yikes. Do not want.
Gaaaahhh...poor you guys! I'm crossing my fingers that you & Jake don't get it. I hope the boys are all clear soon.
And I'm so sorry about your back. I have been there, pain-wise, and it's awful. Are you getting an MRI? I did, and confirmed a herniated disc, which helped me deal with it correctly. I really feel for you.
sarah xo
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