Hi! I had a great day today.
A) Chiropractor said I could cut down to once a week! I'd been going three times a week for a month, then I went twice last week, and this morning she said I was retaining the adjustments so well we are going to try once! This is great news because I'm almost at my $500 cap in my benefits.
B) After work I got a size 4 winter coat for Sage off Kijiji, and it was right around the corner from my dad's house, so I dropped off the sewing machine at the same time, surprizing him with my speediness in the return.
C) I also had a meeting tonight with my credit councellor, Francine. I'm done! DONE DIDDLY DONE DONE DONE!! And the student loan that I thought went to collections years ago was sent back to the bank! And is not appearing on my credit score! The only debt I have is my student loan payment and car payment!! I FEEL FREEEEEEEEEEEEEE!
D) I was feeling so good after the credit news that I bought Jake a new Pink Floyd t-shirt from the rock and roll t-shirt store.
E) Then I stopped at the Jerrit Center and bought 5 t-shirts and 2 shorts for the kids for $2.07. It's sold by weight. A dollar a pound. It weighed 2.07 pounds.
F) Then I bought Burger King for dinner and headed home. Jake peeled a gamepiece off his cup and won $50!!!
G) Jake also played in an online poker tournament and won $28!!!
H) I restrung my guitar yesterday and today found some of my original songs I'd written long ago and thought I'd lost. It felt good to play my songs again. Phlebotomy Blues and The Moon Song especially.
I don't know why my comments disappear sometimes. And if I don't go back to check, I won't notice. Are you denying them? I knew it. :)
I wanted to say I love the Moon song and I want the words, and/or the music, and/or you to sing it to me one million times until I know it well.
Time to write a new post. I'm just saying...
vanessa :-)
"Phlebotomy Blues" was a big hit back then. I'd love to have the words for it.
Abby Sale
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