We had a hail storm on Sunday afternoon. Jake was at poker. I gave the kids each a piece of hail to hold. Hayden put his on the table to save until Daddy got home. Incidentally, Hayden says Icek for ice. As though he were going to continue into "ice-cream". Icek. It's cute :D Also, notice the beautiful red wagon Grampa bought for the boys last week.

This photo does not do justice to the severity of the rain and hail coming down. There was thunder and lightning too, and about 10 mini power outtages, but the kids weren't too nervous.

Close-up of the hail onna ground.

More trying-to-get-a-shot-of-the-deluge attempts.

The other day in the grocery store I got little kiddie sunglasses for my cool cat boys. Yellow of course for Hayden, green of course for Sage. Sage says "uh oh, Dark!" when he puts them on. But I think he's getting used to them. I can't believe they haven't broken their arms off yet!
A bit shadowy, but I love this shot.

Hayden's make him look like Elton John. teehee!

Posing with the shades on, next to one of the two mattresses we just got gently-used from an ad in Kijiji. It's waiting till next weekend when we put Hayden's new bed together. We took the crib down this past weekend. Oh! And for those of you interested, we paid some people to take away a lot of big crap off our lawn. Old mattress, old fridge, old couch that had been outside for 2 years. Yay!
This picture makes me want to go and wake the boys up and cuddle/squish them.

squish squish squish squish squish squish squish squish

more posing

Here let me fix your shirt during our photo shoot.

My two dudes. Favourite picture of the bunch!

I've got electric boots.. a mo-hair suit.. you know I read it in a magazine.
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