For aeons I've hated the blinds in the living room and kid's room. Ever since we moved in, in fact (four years in September! my my how time do fly). Luckily the blinds I hated on the front door were quickly dispatched by Lacey. As the years went by, the children, time, and the sun succeeded in making the ugly blinds even uglier and less useful. So yesterday I bought a piece of pipe from Home Depot, and some material from Fabric Land and today I zipped together this fabulous window treatment!
These were taken in April and they'd broken down even further since then. As of today. the one on the far left was as broken and ramshackle as the one in the middle, but I couldn't wait long enough to take a picture once the curtains were finished. I ripped them off the wall (not hard because ALL the brackets were broken and they were being held up with duct tape) and threw them in a pile outside.
AND I accidentally bought twice as much of the eyelet (white) stuff, so I also made a table cloth. Woohoo!
1 comment:
Hooray for great days!
I want a recording of the moon song, by the way. Or at least the words.
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