Sunday, August 23, 2009


Today in the cold cloudy morning, my family went to Bell Grove and my dad took the kids out in his kayak! Unfortunately we forgot the new lifejacket at home, but we took a little risk and put Sage's floaty swimvest on them. My dad kept close to the shallow end of the lake, but the kids were so well behaved that none of us were worried too much. Although I did not bite my tongue fast enough to say to my dad that if they tipped over Hayden was the priority, not the boat floating away or sinking. I think he rolled his eyes at me for mentioning the obvious.

Hayden has to wear ear protectors when in the water because of his tubes. The added bonus was that they helped keep his ears warm cuz it was COLD.
The water was surprisingly warm, but we didn't play around in it too much because of how cold the wind made us afterwards.

After a while Hayden took a turn at paddling, but he said later it was too heavy to do for very long.
Nice plaid flannel shirt, Aunty Penny :) thank you! (birthday gift from last weekend)
Off center, sorry, but I didn't get many shots of Hayden paddling.
Everyone loved it! Grampa, Kids, us.. Tilly...
Jake being cold and pretending to look in the distance (because I posted that he does this on the Armstrong Wedding post). Sage is saying "Gwampa!"

Me "Get the stick in the water Tilly!"

Tilly "No."
Sage makes the cutest faces. Mid yawn face. Caught this moment of impact btw Sage's slapping hand and Tilly's run-by licking. Amongst the rocks. Both kids had two turns out in the kayak. Another cute Sage face.


Carol said...

Cool! Looks like you guys had lots of fun. Too bad summer's over, after that one day of hot weather we had last week. :)


Jennifer At Work said...

It's summer today, sunny and 24. But of course no one isn't not busy to go again after work.