Hi all you all out there in blog-land. I have a bad case of blog-blah. Blog-blah, as I've determined, is the blah feeling you get when you think about your blog and how long it's been since you've posted. It is caused by procrastination and the need for new blog entries weighs heavily on the conscience of the blogger. The feeling is unfortunately intensified when fun photo-filled events transpire but don't get fully described or photos posted.
The thing is, I took 200 photos of African Lion Safari and the Butterfly place. And I can only post five at a time and for some stupid reason ONLY IN REVERSE ORDER and once they're posted I can't manipulate their order easily. Plus they take forever to load. It's quite overwhelming as tasks go, and apparently makes me whiney.
So I put them all up on my facebook page. It was easier to upload there. I know facebook is evil, but I only sold part of my internet soul for the privilege of using their uploader.
And the sound of one wing flapping is apparently the same sound that no blog posts make.
Hey! Did anyone ever eat "ground cherries"? A co-worker of mine brought some in and I ate one. They're tiny sweet berry-like tomatos that are encased in a papery lantern-like shell of sorts. I saved some seeds and am going to grow some!
If you publicly share your facebook album, then I can see it. I saw Tina's pics the other day... :)
I can't comment on these "ground cherries" that you speak of, but I totally understand the Blog Blah. I really don't post anything unless I have photos. I should use it as a "what have we been up to" post, especially if there are no aforementioned photos. However, I find that we don't really DO that much...and who wants to hear about me complain about school?
The five-photos-at-a-time is a pain, and although I thought they fixed the problem, now I can only post ONE photo at a time...and then I can't cut and paste them the way I want anymore. I do like being "bilingual" in that I can easily choose between viewing your photos on the blog OR checking Facebook. Both of which I do regularly, of course. :-)
I am a total sufferer of blog-blah too! I have pics from Aug on that I haven't uploaded, then I just put everything else off. And I too, have opted to post most of them on facebook instead. LOL Terrible!
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