Friday, November 05, 2010

Who let November in?

Well! I'm doing lots better now, thanks. I had a minor surgery on Oct 22nd where he removed a large plastic stitch that was being rejected by my body, and slowly making its way to the surface. It felt like needles in my belly after the nurse saw the tip of it coming through my flesh and told me what was happening. It felt like needles in my belly before that too, but who thinks there'll be needles in their belly? After I knew what it was, that's exactly what it felt like. The doctor said I might "need to have this done again" which to me means there's another stitch like it down there, but we're going to cross our fingers and hope it stays PUT and doesn't get rejected. He also cut between the two holes and made one nice large hole which is showing progress towards healing.

My total weight loss is 125 lbs, but I missed my tuesday morning weigh-in this week and will have to "cheat" and check my progress tomorrow. I normally don't like weighing in off-schedule because I'm trying to stay sane. LOL. If I check more than a couple times a week, what's to stop me from checking every day? And if I check every day, what's to stop me from checking twice a day? I don't want to become obsessed.

And also now I am a twit. I tweet. I have joined Twitter. (I copied my sister.) See the feed on the side there?

I'm off work healing until November 22nd, so if anyone wants to stop by for a visit, feel free! I'll be home. I'm talking to YOU Americanos!

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