Thursday, August 31, 2006
Post Op
How do i feel after surgery? Not like a truck hit me. i hurt my back really bad in january, and this was sorta the same. Difficult to move around, hard to manoeuvre in bed, painkillers every 4 hours, coughing and laughing verboten. As I had anticipated tho, peeing was so a joy. After Hayden's birth, I had a small tear they hadn't sewn up since it was so small, but it was EXCRUCIATING to pee for 2 weeks afterwards. The day after surgery, I was able to stand up and walk around the end of the bed. results were that I was covered in sweat, couldn't stand completely upright, and then had to make myself comfortable in bed again. not easy. (Sage fell asleep now so I can use both hands to type. Wow typing one-handed takes a long time!)
After they took out my catheter, I had to pee twice with the nurse before they would let me go on my own. The first time I went pee, it was a much better experience than walking around the bed. She asked me how I was doing when I returned to bed, and I pointed out that I wasn't sweating. Yahoo! Another great accomplishment by the makers of Hayden and Sage. Every time I got up it was easier and easier (relatively. Yahoo also for adjustable beds, for both height and to sit upright some, which makes getting out of bed so much easier) depending on when my last pain pill was, of course LOL I tried to time my pees to be 1-2 hours after the pills. Being at home, I try not to bend down and pick up stuff off the floor, which is my currently biggest painful movement. The incision itself feels like a very bad sunburn, yet oddly the skin is also numb. It's very weird. The inside stuff doesn't hurt too bad any more, if I take it easy. However, the latter half of last week and a couple times this week as my uterus was returning to more-normal shape/size/position, it totally killed like a son-of-a-bitch. It felt like labour contractions, and if I was caught off-guard, I would scream/yell/holler. The midwife said it was due to the incision line working it's way behind the pubic bone. "You may notice some discomfort". Yeh. I did notice. So did the neighbours. (Well, we don't have any neighbours, but if we did, they would've.) I've been off tylenol 3s since last Friday, when my public health nurse advised me that codeine is passed through to breastmilk, and makes for a difficult-to-nurse sleepy baby. !!!WHAT??!!! I was on aspirin with codeine in the hospital, and went home with a week and a half's worth of prescription for tylenol 3 with codeine! How come no-one in the hospital or my midwife didn't know to cut that out so my baby would feed better? They all knew about my breastfeeding inadequacy fears... anyway after I cut out the codeine, Sage has been feeding a lot more actively. The regular tylenol was ok for a few days, but wouldn't work on this killer headache and neck cramp that I had for 4 days in a row. I switched to ibuprofen but after the headache went away, I haven't been on anything.
As for the next baby, a) we don't want any more children; b) the midwife said after a c-section you should wait 2 years to become pregnant again; and c) if we did become pregnant, I could have a VBAC which stands for vaginal birth after caesarean. But I refer you back to point a). We don't want any more children! :o)
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
More Pictures

My first few days back from the hospital. Szabbies pick raspberries from across the yard. Look carefully at the apple tree and you'll see Jake climbing for an apple which Hayden, Carol, and I all shared. It was delicious!

Anya didn't like to eat 'em, but she did like to put them on her finger.
Jake's on the way to the tree, Carol holding Sage and eating yummy raspberries.
Hayden giving Sage a hug.

Excerpt from Dr Carol's Log
August 17th. Doctor's Log.

Carol here. I'm thrilled to let you all know that I'm qualified as a doctor now, due to the fact that I looked like one while wearing scrubs. Plus I know what "multip" means.
They took Jennifer away for surgery prep at 2:15, and I had 20 minutes to get ready. First I put on the scrubs. Then I put on the hat. Then I did my hair. Oops no I guess those last two were reversed. Then I tied my hat. Then I spent 5 minutes trying to tie on my face mask so my glasses wouldn't fog up, or the ties pull at my hair. My booties were cute. I looked the part. Doctor Carol was on the way!
I walked down the hall and sat in a chair outside the OR for 15 minutes, waiting for the team inside to let me know when it was time for me to come in. Jennifer was inside, with a lot of machines that went "ping", "ssss", and "beep". About 20 to 3:00, I was called in. Jennifer was lying on her back, arms spread wide with a green sheet lying a few inches over her face, sort of on an angle. I could see the top of her head really well, her face less well.
There were six people in scrubs standing around Jennifer's belly (one of them with an Elmo scrub hat), and another six people in yellow scrubs standing against the wall, just watching. I thought that was weird. Students observing, perhaps? Plus there was an anaesthesiologist standing near her head, and the midwife hovering by the incubator, and a couple of other nurses or something, floating around the room. Boy was it crowded. I sat on a chair provided near Jennifer's head, and wondered what I was doing there.
There being nothing much else I could do, I started stroking Jennifer's forehead and started singing, "You're going to have a baby, you're going to have a baby," plus whatever else I could think of to cheer Jennifer up. I started doing a pretty good job of doing that, I think, because soon I had her laughing (in the middle of abdominal surgery!) Oops. Too happy. But the midwife (Buffy) said that whatever I was doing, to keep doing it, because it was bringing her heart rate down. Ta daah! My medical expertise saves the day!
I kept trying to peek over the screen to see what they were doing to Jennifer's stomach, but I couldn't see much. Just the occasional wisp of smoke. (?!) Pretty soon, or after an eternity, depending on your point of view, one of the doctors said "It's a boy!" and I peeked again and saw him lift up a purple and white blotchy thing. Oh, I guess that's the baby. It was 2:47pm.
All of a sudden, one of the yellow scrubbed statues at the side of the room lifted her hand and made a "GO" signal, and the yellow scrubs all swooped in around the baby and carted him off to the incubator at the side of the room. He still hadn't made a noise yet, as his lungs were still full of amniotic fluid, which is why they were hurrying, I guess. Babies that are born by cesarean aren't squeezed by the trip down the birth canal, so they need extra help after being born to remove the fluid in their lungs. After a minute, he started to cry. Yay!
They wrapped him up in a couple of blankets and handed him to me. Jennifer could barely see him, and she had to twist her head at an odd angle, but she finally got to see her brand new baby for the first time.
All the yellow scrubs packed up and left, and more people kept disappearing as they sewed Jennifer up. After a while I became aware of someone counting, over and over again. "...8, 9 10. Check. Oh and there's one over there..." I looked over and there were two nurses, one with a clipboard, and I figured out what they were doing -- they were counting instruments and sponges and things! I guess that's a really good thing, but I shudder to think about WHY the hospital needed to start doing that.
About 3:20, Jennifer was all sewn up and ready to be moved to the recovery room. Sage was put in his bassinet, and we all rolled along. (You're not allowed to walk around with him in your arms in the hospital for security reasons - if they see someone holding a baby in the hall they assume you're kidnapping him/her.) I found my way back to the waiting room where Jake was watching tv, and let him know it was a boy, and everybody was ok. So then he followed me back to the recovery room, through the maze of corridors. (I almost didn't get completely lost.)
So, I was hungry at this point, and wanted my snacks. I asked one of the nurses where our bags might be, and she said that housekeeping usually moves them to the room where Jennifer was going to end up. So then I tried to find out what room that was. I wandered around to find the nurses' station, and while I was standing there, a man in scrubs and a nametag came up to me and said "Excuse me, where's the delivery room?" I guess he thought I was a doctor or something. I said, "I may look like I work here, but I don't really. I have no idea." He looked at me like I was nuts. But then again, he was wearing scrubs too, and he didn't know where the delivery room was.
Eventually a nurse told me what room Jennifer was going to be in, and I wandered off to try to find it. I'm not sure why I had such trouble navigating that hospital floor, but I kept getting turned around. I think it's because none of the corridors met at right angles. And I had no idea of what the layout of the floor actually looked like, plus it was weird to shortcut through the operating room (we went out a different door than we came in) so I was terribly confused. So I found the room finally. No bags. Hmmm. Tried to find the nurses' station again. Got lost again. Ended up back in the recovery room, and what do you know, the bags were in a cupboard right there! Holy cow.
Jennifer was really fun to play with while the anaesthesia was wearing off. I started wiggling her feet and poking her and she couldn't tell I was touching her. I started shaking her foot around and thumping it on the bed, and Jennifer said, "What's that noise?" It was really funny to watch her try to wiggle her toes. "Are they moving now? How about now?"
Soon Buffy came over and helped Jennifer start breastfeeding Sage. She was having problems because of the iv in her arm, but he soon latched on. Over the next few days, Sage was supposed to eat at least every 2-3 hours, but she kept running into trouble with his eating. He would wake up hungry and crying, and she would feed him five minutes, and he would go back to sleep. Sleepy baby. Wake up! Eat! We tried stripping him down, making him cold, tickling his feet, but he never seemed to want to nurse very long. He lost about a pound over the next few days, which made the nurses panic a little. The midwives didn't seem too worried, because he wasn't showing any signs of dehyration -- dry skin, wrinked skin that doesn't bounce back flat etc. But "by the book" the hospital wanted to keep Jennifer and Sage there a little longer.
It wasn't until later at home that Jennifer's health nurse said he was probably inflated with water from her iv, since she had had it in for 3+ hours before the surgery, and he probably wasn't 8lbs 8oz to begin with. And then she got the kicker -- nobody at the hospital found it necessary to mention that codeine is expressed in breast milk, and makes babies sleepy and not want to nurse!! WHAT??!! How come nobody told her that in the first place? No wonder the poor kid was falling asleep - he was being drugged every time he ate! When Jennifer found that out, she stopped taking her Tylenol 2's and just went to regular Tylenols. Arg. Stupid hospital. Stupid stupids. Bleah.
/Begin anti-hospital rant/
Goes to show you that some of the so-called "complications" at a hospital birth are created by their very own medical interventions! Burns my butt, nobody thought to tell her about codeine. And another horrible tidbit Jennifer and I overheard from the lady sharing her room - the doctor had asked the lady whether she wanted her baby "in 5 minutes, or in 15 minutes" and of course she said 5. Who wouldn't? I would. The doctor promptly gave her a huge episiotomy without saying another word! O. M. G. I would sue. And I would so want to do violence to that ijit. It wasn't even me, and I got so angry. Poor lady. He should have at least said what he was going to do and given her a choice about it. Like the "choice" Jennifer got with Hayden, whether she wanted to be induced or not. I.E. Yup, I just broke your waters for you. There you go.
/End rant/
Anyway, it all turned out well. Sage is such a cutie. Jennifer had her staples out, and everything's good.

And Now, a David Usher Moment...
Which David Usher Are You?
Yikes. Morbidly creepy? That'd be an understatement for you. You're got a rather dark, twisted mindset, and you have a warped, sometimes antisocial personality. You should get out more often, dude. Look out for the guy with the really long toenail -- he's SCARY.
Thanks for the quiz Mindi! And now back to your regularly scheduled blogging...
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Jennifer here briefly...
A quick update from today's midwife appointment: Sage lost the 4 ounces he'd gained the other day, so she advised to supplement with more gusto. But she's still not worried about his health. He's pink, hydrated, and latching on well. She said his jaundice is gone, but because he hasn't had the 6 heavy wet diapers in 24 hours that they need to have by day 6, to give him more formula. She also said that I may have to always supplement. Earlier she had indicated I may be able to stop soon. We'll see how the milk drug effects things and take it day by day.. although I did send Jake out to get some new bottles (we've been using a syringe till now). Also, shortly after the midwife left, Sage had 2 great big poops and also peed on the bed. Yay! LOL I'm happy that it happened, just a little sad it had to happen where I sleep.
Hayden is adjusting really well to his new brother. He's very curious and points out his ears, eyes, nose, funny black belly button, and nipples quite gently. This afternoon on his way to his nap, Hayden even gave Sage a hug! Sage responded by hitting him in the face with a flailing hand. Hayden didn't mind, just sort of laughed. He also seems humongous now! I changed his poopy diaper this afternoon (after Jake lifted him to the change table) and I was like Wow, you are a huge baby! When did you get so big? It seems so weird to me, especially head size, because I can fit Sage's whole head in my hand, but it takes two to go around Hayden's big mellon.. and then not even the whole way round! My aunt Penny said that would happen, and I knew it would, but the experience of it is really weird. In a good way of course.
Anyway (notice I didn't say Anyhoodle, which I got a complaint about LOL) that's about all my uterus can stand right now. It's shrinking and hurts like a m-----f-----. More from Carol soon....? We can only hope!
love to y'all,
PS Carol thinks she's qualified as a doctor because she wore scrubs the other day. I have her complete thoughts on this in detail, which I will post later.
The Details
Jennifer came home from the hospital on Sunday afternoon about 5:00pm. She was really hoping to come home Saturday, but Sage had lost just a bit over 10% of his body weight, and the hospital wanted to be sure he was feeding ok. Jennifer was bummed she had to start giving him formula, as her milk is coming in fine according to the midwife. The midwife thought that he might have lost weight because he was retaining fluid in the womb, since he wasn't showing any signs of dehydration. Sage was also a little jaundiced, and they didn't want to let him go home with his bilirubin levels a tiny bit high. Sigh. The hospital was just covering their butt, but it was kind of annoying since Jennifer wanted to come home. So we walked around and found a good sunbeam in the corridor of the hospital, and let him sunbathe for an hour in the morning and again in the afternoon. It must have helped, because his billirubin came down enough where they were willing to let him go home finally. They were still worried about his weight, but once they figured out the midwife would be supervising, they released their clutches and we were off! Woohoo! I went to get the car, Jennifer packed up Sage into the car seat, and we loaded all the balloons into the car and went back to her house. Yay!
Jennifer told me last night that Sage has now gained back 4 ounces, and she probably won't have to supplement much longer. Double yay!
She must be busy or something, cuz I've been checking for days and there's been nothing new. Harumph. Taking care of a new baby, having had surgery... what kind of excuse is that? Friends and family need photos! Words! News!
So here I am, to take over for a bit. Let's see. Where were we? Oh yes, I was going to give you all some more details.
Friday, August 18, 2006
It's a Boy!

Carol here...
Let's all welcome Sage Huss into the world! He was born yesterday, Aug 17, at 2:47 pm by c-section. He is 8lbs, 8 oz, and has the cutest dark hair you ever saw. He's also really tall. 22 inches, I think. I'll have to double check that, but he's looooonng. :)
Jennifer is doing well and is in good spirits, and is thankful she only had a local instead of the general anaesthetic. Today she even got up and walked around the bed. She has to stay in the hospital until Saturday night or Sunday morning, most likely. Thanks to all for the calls and good wishes! I'll post a few more details later, when I get a minute.
Love to all,
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
This will be my last blog for a few days. I don't know exactly when I'll be back online, but maybe I'll get someone to pop in and post a little note regarding what kind of baby we get. Cuz that's the point of all this, isn't it.
Love to you, straight from my heart.
Monday, August 14, 2006
Had a nice trip
Saturday, August 12, 2006
Lost Weight?
Take care, brush your hair.
Thursday, August 10, 2006
The anaesthesiologist appointment was 2 hours of waiting for 5 minutes of talking with the doctor. He felt my back and told me nothing much I didn't know already. The one thing I learned was that if the spinal block doesn't work, then the breathing tube will be inserted for the general anaesthetic while I'm still awake. But he said my throat would be frozen first. *gulp* Let's hope that spinal works!!
Buffy the Midwife was very nice today, supporting me and making sure all my questions were answered. She's warmed up from the very clinical first impression I got from her. My c-section is scheduled for one week from today, Thursday August 17th at 3pm. However I do have to be at the hospital for 9am, and ready to go in case the OR isn't very busy and everyone involved is ready before that time. Then they'd take the baby out earlier. My job is to wait around hungry until they're good to go. Carol and Jake will be with me waiting, and eating sandwiches. BJ is going to be taking care of Anya and Hayden. Since Jake is very queasy at blood needles and anything like that, Carol will be my support person during the operation. We were making jokes this afternoon about her eating sandwiches in the OR and getting crumbs in my open abdomen. Like on Seinfeld when Kramer drops a Junior Mint into someone's heart operation. heh heh. I need to laugh a lot to take some of the edge off the fear. Good thing I have a funny family.
This morning I'm off to a pre-admission clinic for the anaesthesiologist to.. um.. do something.. uh, not sure what, but they said to bring a book. I hope they're not going to practice putting epidural needles in my back *shudder*. They told me to bring all the medication and vitamins I'm taking, also not to fast. If they do bloodwork, the bruise from last week's bloodwork is still there. Maybe I can take a picture of it for you. It used to be in the shape of a heart, yesterday it looked like Australia, and today, well, you be the judge.
Anyhoodle, I should get going. I will update again this afternoon, after my midwife's appointment.
Love to all, me.
Monday, August 07, 2006

op·ti·mism ( P ) Pronunciation Key (pt-mzm)n.
A tendency to expect the best possible outcome or dwell on the most hopeful aspects of a situation: “There is a touch of optimism in every worry about one's own moral cleanliness” (Victoria Ocampo).
The doctrine, asserted by Leibnitz, that this world is the best of all possible worlds.
The belief that the universe is improving and that good will ultimately triumph over evil.
New blogging colours! Bright and cheery attitude! Positive thoughts will affect my future! Thanks for all the support. Here's to hoping that hope works.
Oh and Hayden stays in his bed until about 5:30 or 6am every morning. I consider that to be a successful transfer!
Sunday, August 06, 2006
Sunday Night
Last Thursday my parents came over for dinner, and my dad took some pictures of us. Here they be.
I painted the frame of the new baby's dresser today, and just have the drawers left to do. We got some "oops" paint from Home Depot for only $3. It's blue. I've got some white to add for the drawers, so it'll be at least 2 tone, and I do have plans to try something cool. I'll post a picture of the finished product. Just because we're painting it blue does not mean we know it's a boy. We do not know the sex of the baby. I'm just willing to save money on someone else's rejects. (the paint I mean)
Friday, August 04, 2006
VANESSA! WAHHH!! I don't think it's going to turn out that I have this baby on August 27th. That makes me sad.
On a lighter note, I drew eyebrows on Hayden this afternoon.
Thursday, August 03, 2006
Day Three
I saw the midwife today. The baby's heartbeat was still really high, like up near my sternum. I'm going for an ultrasound tomorrow to check the baby's position. If it's not head down, she said she would then consult an obstetrician and a C-section may possibly be scheduled. That is exactly what I do not want at ALL. I'm scared, but hopefully the ultrasound will show good things. I know I shouldn't waste time worrying about it until I have to (if at all), but.. but.. but.. that's easier said than done. The ultrasound is tomorrow at 3pm. Cross your fingers for me.
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Here's a joke I read the other day waiting 2 hours to see the doctor. (Seems like even tho I have a midwife, this pregnancy is all about waiting for dumb doctors or dumb tests. S'okay tho, cuz I got a funny joke out of it.)

Day Two
Day two of Hayden's New Bed Adventure didn't work out so well. Maybe it was sharing some icecream with him at 8:15pm, or maybe it was New Bed Anxiety, but Hayden and I struggled for half an hour from 9-9:30pm because he Just Didn't Wanna Lie Down. So we got up. We helped Jake put up a couple shelves in the living room. (Read: Hayden played with the plastic wrapping and I took it away from him, then he played with the brackets and I took them away from him, then he played with the bag of screws and I took that away from him, then he played with the tape measure and I took it away from him... etc.) They look really nice. Cleared up some clutter around the computer desk and CD rack. Nice. Anyway by 10:30pm Jake was done and thankfully got Hayden to sleep soundly (in about 10 minutes). Around 3:30am however, Haydo realized he was alone and cried. Jake went to settle him, but he was already stomping his way into our bedroom. Half a night is better than none, right? We have three weeks or so to get him used to it.................... gak.
I'm on my way to a glucose tolerance test this morning. The 75 gram one. Fast for 10-12 hours, get blood taken, drink an orange pop-like beverage, try not to puke, wait TWO hours, get blood taken again, hurry to the nearest Timmies for a bagel and milk, go home. I don't have any good books to read. All I've got is this BAD book to read. I didn't prepare well. WAHH!! But I should be going. Boredom Awaits!
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
Look! I'm Blogging!
Here's some cute pictures of Hayden in his new bed (thanks Gramma and Grampa!) with his Sponge Bob Squarepants sheets. Also some recent shots of him in an 80's outfit which I put on him as a joke while we were sorting through baby clothes getting ready for Hussicot #4 to arrive. Enjoy!