The funniest thing happened tonight after the kids were both in bed. I was going outside to call Kitty back in from her day of romping and pouncing on things. It was about 10:30pm, and as I opened the front door, I paused on my way out because I was struck by the beauty of the cresent moon and Venus, low in the sky. The 2 seconds I took to appreciate the beauty was enough for Lacey to decide to bound out the door past me. The unfortunate thing was that Jake had just a few minutes prior taken off her new much thicker and stronger chain collar. We both went outside, Jake armed with alluring hotdogs. I was expecting the dark dog in the dark compound to elude us for quite a while. Also I expected that she would hunt down Kitty and chase chase chase her away. Lacey ran around, and we caught glimpses of her as she bounded around stretching her legs. Then I saw Kitty. Kitty was chasing Lacey! Lacey ran left, then a few seconds later, tiny little white legged Kitty ran left. Lacey ran towards the bulldozers, tiny little Kitty ran towards the bulldozers. Lacey ran towards Jake and the hotdogs, Kitty ran towards Jake and the hotdogs. When she got close enough, I could see that Kitty's tail was all fluffed up like she was trying to be scary. It was so cute! Jake ended up catching Lacey by her thick neck scruff a minute before I was able to coax Kitty over to me. We both went inside with our pets, laughing and trying to be mad at Lacey for the trouble, but I think it was pretty fun for all of us. Plus I got to enjoy the night sky. At 10:30pm, the horizon was not quite dark, a beautiful shade of blue, and the stars were brilliant - completely unobscured by clouds. Gorgeous.
I thought the moon had set and it was too late for a picture when I posted this entry, but after I was done I noticed the moon was still up and a beautiful shade of gold. So here it is.
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