Yesterday was a great day. It started off being so cold we had to turn the furnace on, but by noon it had warmed up. The pool had been dropped off the day before and was sitting on the lawn in 2 boxes, waiting to be set up. Hayden and I woke up around 8:30am because Lacey was whining and sounded really frantic in the living room. It wasn't a workman cuz she barks at them. I thought it might've either been Chris (whom she loves and would've been very excited to see) or maybe she needed to go out really bad, OR I thought it was possible she might've hurt herself and was struggling to stand up. None of these hypothoses were correct. When Hayden and I went into the living room, Lacey was standing on the coffee table whining at the bunny on our lawn! A cute little bunny was eating the clovers of our freshly mowed lawn. I'd mowed yesterday with Chris's mower. McDowell is technically responsible for lawn care, but last summer they mowed our lawn only once. The lawn to the side of our house is the back yard of the front house, and it's perfectly manicured. It even has underground sprinklers that water at 3am. They mow that one all the time. Ours is quite sad compared to next door. But hey. We don't care. Last summer we hung out on the good grass, but it's not private at all, and I always felt like an interloper. This year we're making our front lawn our own. We love it out there! Anyway I shot some video of the bunny and took some pictures. It stayed there for a really long time! More than an hour, nibbling away and wiggling it's little bunny tail. It was so cute! I let the kitty out because after an hour of watching it nibble clovers, I was bored. heh heh I'm so bad. Anyway the door opening didn't scare the bunny, but when Kitty walked slowly over, Bunny bounced away. Incidentally, Kitty was the same size as the bunny. It went through my head that with a bunny around, my veggies might be in danger. We'll just have to see what happens.

After we all ate a late breakfast, Sage was ready for his morning nap. After he was down the rest of us went outside to see about setting up the pool. I raked the lawn for sticks and rocks, and then Jake unfolded the tarp that goes underneith. It was muddy from it's last location, so we hosed it off as best we could. We have discovered that Hayden knows how to squirt the hose. Also he thinks it is funny to squirt the hose at people and dogs. We tried not to let him do that. HA! Understatement of the day. We spread out the tarp, spread out the pool, turned the pool so the filter hoses wouldn't be in the way, and started fillin' 'er up! I guess we started filling at about 1pm or so. We put some hot water in too, cuz it was frigid! At 7pm I shut the water off, and the pool was at 62 degrees. I think it might hold more, but we didn't want to run the water over night, and the mosquitos were starting to come out, so we wanted to limit the door opening for the evening. But back to the afternoon. It was such a nice day, sunny and bright, and we set up the umbrella and put down a blanket so Sage could roll around in the shade. I cooked some burgers and we had a wonderful time picnicing beside our filling pool. We'd gotten a couple more folding chairs from WalMart last week, so we can give our guests a place to sit. It's gonna be a great summer! Hayden wouldn't keep his hat on, and I thought of putting on sunscreen but I was too late to prevent a bit of a sunburn. The pink cheeks didn't show up till the evening, and I slathered aloe vera gel on him. Luckily he doesn't mind cream (sunscreen, the aloe gel) on his face.

1 comment:
Can't wait to see pics of the pool and the yard all set up! YAY!
PS Hooray for cute bunnies. :) WATCH THOSE PLANTS!!
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